英语人>词典>英汉 : Amboise的中文,翻译,解释,例句



安布瓦斯(法国中西部的小镇, 位于图尔以东的卢瓦尔河边。雷翁那多·达芬奇据说被埋葬在这里的哥特式教堂里, 人口10, 498)

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Chenonceaux 舍农索 Chenonceaux is not large, but into its delicate compass is packed a great deal of history — history which differs from that of Amboise and Blois in being of the private and sentimental kind.


Today, a visit to Chambord, Versailles, Amboise or Fontainebleau, Chinon, Blois or even the Louvre transports us as if by magic into the centre of the private lives of the royal families and their court in times of feasting or of war.

在朗热城堡,勒维桥(le pont-levis)恭迎游客的到来;在洛什城堡,昔日的监狱仍然令人不寒而栗;而当您登上昂热城堡的巡查道时,周边山谷的美景尽收眼底。

This congregation had been established in 1499 by Bishop Louis d'Amboise, who, there being no reformed convent in the province of France, obtained from Mantuanus tow religious, one of whom died on the road; the survivor found in the Collège Montaigu in Paris some twenty students willing to embrace the religious life.

这会众已成立於1499年,由主教路易斯-a mboise,世卫组织,如果没有改革,修道院,在该省的法国,索取m antuanus丝束宗教,其中一人死於道路;幸存者发现,在该学院m ontaigu在巴黎约20个学生愿意去拥抱的宗教生活。

Charles de Hangest, nephew of the too well-known Georges d'Amboise, Archbishop of Rouen, surrendered the bishopric in 1525 to his own nephew John, becoming his vicar-general.

戴高乐Hangest ,侄子也众所周知的乔治德城堡,鲁昂大主教,交出主教在1525年以他自己的侄子约翰,成为他的副主教,一般。

The prestige of the Carmelite Sisters grew rapidly when the Duchess of Brittany, Blessed Frances d'Amboise (1427-85), joined one of the convents, which she herself had founded.

威望的carmelite姐妹迅速成长,当公爵夫人的布列塔尼,圣弗朗西斯-a mboise( 1 427至1 485年),加入其中的修道院,她自己成立了。

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但是,查尔斯八世在安布瓦兹(Amboise)早逝的事实让他的如意算盘扑了空. 查尔斯八世膝下无子,于是他的王位传给了奥尔良的路易. 路易十二登基后,娶了布列塔尼的安妮. 安妮后来回到了布尔日(Bourges),当了修女.


香侬索城堡位于昂布瓦斯(Amboise)以南,依势横跨在谢尔河(Le Cher)上. 由图尔(Tours)出发,乘坐列车约30分钟,要事先购买往返票,香侬索站为无人站,不售票;乘坐巴士约1个小时;从香侬索车站徒步约2分钟即可到达.


安波西马哈索 Ambohimahasoa | 安布瓦士 Amboise | 安波西特拉 Ambositra