英语人>词典>英汉 : Altai Mountains的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Altai Mountains的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Altai Mountains

Altai Mountains的基本解释

阿尔泰山脉(中亚山系, 主要在前苏联的中亚南部部分, 但也延伸至蒙古西部和中国北部, 最高处4, 508。8米(14, 783英尺))

更多网络例句与Altai Mountains相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xinjiang is home to the Altai Mountains where we were hoping to get some climbing and exploring in.


Overall, rock climbing in the Altai Mountains is remarkable.


Study was made on soil organic carbon composition and distribution law in Altai Mountains.


At that time, Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans also lived in that region of Siberia, deep in the Altai Mountains.


And because the researchers have only the finger bone, found in the Altai Mountains in 2008, they are unable to draw any broader conclusions about its identity.


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更多网络解释与Altai Mountains相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Altai Mountains:阿尔泰山脉

1986年,一支俄罗斯-蒙古混合考察队发掘出了一个位于蒙古以西很远处于阿尔泰山脉(Altai mountains)中的墓葬遗址. 他们的报告将他们的发现称作是"匈人"遗址,这反映了蒙古人急切地要把匈奴人和匈人等同起来,但这个遗址显然是匈奴人的.

Altai Mountains:阿尔泰山

41 怒山Nushan Mountains | 9 阿尔泰山Altai Mountains | 42 云岭Yunling Mountains

Beyond these dunes, we are surrounded by Altai Mountains:在沙丘后边 我们被阿尔泰山所围绕

A compass.|指南针 | Beyond these dunes, we are surrounded by Altai Mountains.|在沙丘后边 我们被阿尔泰山所围绕 | And they are mostly magnetic rock.|山石有很多是天然磁铁

Golden Mountains of Altai:金山阿尔泰山

非景区直接报价)金山-阿尔泰山(Golden Mountains of Altai )相关服务价格 (以下价格为寰宇天涯旅游网报价,非景区直接报价)金山-阿尔泰山(Golden Mountains of Altai )门票及服务预订方法(以下联系方式均为寰宇天涯旅游网联系方式,

Golden Mountains of Altai:阿尔泰黄金山脉

勘察加半岛火山群 Volcanoes of Kamchatka | 阿尔泰黄金山脉 Golden Mountains of Altai | 西高加索 Western Caucasus

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