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Ali Pasha的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Ali Pasha

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His expenses were covered by Henry Salt (British Consul-General) and other British businessmen, with an agreement that finds be presented to The British Museum This was done according to a directive of Mohammed Ali Pasha, who was at that time virtually the ruler of Egypt.


Ali Pasha was killed, as you know, but before he died he recompense d the services of Fernand by leaving him a considerable sum, with which he returned to France, when he was gazetted lieutenant-general.


"In conjunction with the affairs of ali pasha?"


Tunis had been taken along with Cyprus but was lost the next year to the navy of the Lepanto victor, John of Austria; but now Uluz 'Ali Pasha recaptured the La Goletta fortress, and Tunis became part of the Ottoman province that included Algiers and Tripoli.

突尼斯已经采取了与塞浦路斯,但失去了明年海军的勒颁多维克多,约翰奥地利;但现在Uluz '阿里总督夺回香格里拉Goletta堡垒,和突尼斯成为奥斯曼省,其中包括阿尔及尔和的黎波里。

In 1487 Bayezid II sent grand vizier Da'ud Pasha to occupy Cilicia; but when 'Ali Pasha was defeated the next year,'Ala ad-Daula deserted to the Mamluks.


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Ali Pasha:阿里帕夏(奥斯曼帝国大齐维尔)

Abdu'r-Rahim, Mirza米尔扎.阿卜杜尔.拉希姆 | Ali Pasha 阿里帕夏(奥斯曼帝国大齐维尔) | All-encompassing power, the 统摄之力