Alexandria [,ælig'zɑ:ndriə]
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And the Pharos of Alexandria (a lighthouse built c. 280 BC on the island of Pharos off Alexandria, said to have been more than 350 ft, or 110 m, high).
It is not improbable that this Christian formula originated in Alexandria, and was intended as a protest against the pagan apotheosis of the emperors; on a coin from Alexandria of the reign of Domitian (81-96) this emperor is styled Theou Yios.
见话语皇帝君士坦丁,&专案coetum sanctorum &长十八)它不是琢磨这个公式基督教起源於亚历山大,并打算作为抗议,对异教的典范皇帝;一枚硬币,从亚历山德里亚的腥风血雨的domitian ( 81-96 ),这是皇帝施展theou yios。
They are attributed to various saints and Monophysite bishops; thus, there are the Anaphoras of St. Basil, St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Peter, St. Clement, Dioscurus of Alexandria, John Maro, James of Edessa (died 708), Severus of Antioch (died 518), and so on.
他们是由于各种圣徒和monophysite主教;因此,是anaphoras圣罗勒,圣西里尔亚历山德里亚,圣彼得大教堂,圣克莱门特, dioscurus亚历山德里亚,约翰马罗,詹姆斯伊得撒(死于708 ),塞维鲁安提(死于518 ),等等。
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地龙之门(Dragon's Gate)外 陆行鸟森林外 空中花园亚历山大出现点西北附近克雷拉(Cleyra)北方海滩 亚历山大(Alexandria)城南方 玛丹.萨里(Madain Sari)东边康德亚.帕特(Conde Petie)北方食族沼泽(Qu's Marsh)附近 库加(Kuja)的沙
亚历山德里亚(Alexandria) 最热门的旅行在 - 亚历山德里亚(Alexandria), 埃及 (Egypt)预订一个最热门的旅行和最热门的旅游活动在 亚历山德里亚(Alexandria)和Hostelsclub.为了核实旅行的可能性在亚历山德里亚(Alexandria)使用搜索列表.
犹太人斐洛( Philo),常被称为亚历山大里亚( Alexandria)的斐洛,又被称为朱迪亚( JudaeUs)的斐洛. 希腊化时期,还有另外两位斐洛.
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