英语人>词典>英汉 : Acrididae的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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In the first chapter, using fragments of COI gene, we studied the phylogenetic relationships among species of five familes of Acridoidea with MP and Bayesian methods. The results were as follows:(1) Species of Acrididae, Gomphoceridae and all the Arcypterinae species of Arcypteridae are monophyletic. Species of Oedipodidae are supported as a monophyleticgroup, Ceracrinae species of Arcypteridae cluter together to make a monophyletic group. Epistaurus aberrans and Xenocatantops humilis is a phylogenetic group, Stenocatantops splendens and Hieroglyphus banian is also a phylogenetic group.


The phylogenetic relationships among all taxa within the Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) were largely unknown until now.


Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Ren Bingzhong, A new genus and a new species of grasshoppers from Liaoning province (Orthoptera: Acrididae).

张凤岭,郑一平,任炳忠;辽宁省蝗虫一新属一新种,昆虫学报,1995, 38(2):204~206。

The molecular phylogenetic trees indicated that Oedipodinae is a monophyletic group and this subfamily is a natural one, but Catantopinae and Acridinae are non-monophyletic. Oedipodnae is a relatively primitive group within the Acrididae, whereas the Oxyinae may have diverged later than Oedipodinae, but earlier than most other species of Acridide.


Any of numerous grasshoppers of the family Acrididae, often migrating in immense swarms that devour vegetation and crops.


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直翅目(Orthoptera)蝗科(Acrididae)昆虫. 常大量发生,长距离迁移,为害甚大. 有两型︰散居型和群居型. 二者的颜色、体型、生理学和行为各不相同. 散居蝗蝻体色随环境不同而异,不集群,代谢率和摄氧率低,群居蝗蝻体色不变,黑黄色,


直翅目 ORTHOPTERA | 剑角蝗科 Acrididae | 威廉剑角蝗 Acrida willemsei Dirsh

Family Acrididae:蝗科

[5]Order ORTHOPTERA 直翅目 | 7. Family Acrididae 蝗科(Sw, Ha) | 8. Family Pyrgomorphidae 锥头蝗科

僧帽佛蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科:Phlaeoba infumata

Phlaeoba antennata 長角佛蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科 | Phlaeoba infumata 僧帽佛蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科 | Gelastorhinus rotundatus 圓翅螇蚚蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科

長角佛蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科:Phlaeoba antennata

Leptacris vittata 白條長腹蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科 | Phlaeoba antennata 長角佛蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科 | Phlaeoba infumata 僧帽佛蝗 Acrididae 劍角蝗科