英语人>词典>英汉 : ASEAN的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

ASEAN ['æsi:ɔn]



更多 网络例句 与ASEAN相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This dissertation will analyze the possibility, necessity, and feasibility of implementation of the establishment of EAFTA, and then present the establishment model based on "10+3" mechanism, namely taking ASEAN as an intermediator to establish ASEAN—China, ASEAN—Japan - ASEAN—South Korea, on the basis of which to integrate China, Japan, South Korea and the ten countries of ASEAN to establish "10+3" FTA, finally leading to the buildup of EAFTA.


The Pan-Pearl River Delta region is located at a juncture connecting China with ASEAN countries, bordering with several ASEAN countries and sharing with them more than 5,000 kilometers of border demarcations. It is linked with ASEAN countries by rail, road, water and air accesses. The Pan Pearl River Delta is located on the forefront of China's economic interaction and win-win cooperation with ASEAN. This gives the region a unique geographical advantage in the course of building the China-ASEAN FTA.


The Pan-Pearl River Delta region is located at a juncture connecting China with ASEAN countries, bordering with several ASEAN countries and sharing with them more than 5,000 kilometers of border demarcations. It is linked with ASEAN countries by rail, road, water and air accesses. The Pan Pearl River Delta is located on the forefront of China's economic interaction and win-win cooperation with ASEAN. This gives the region a unique geographical advantage in the course of building the China-ASEAN FTA.


更多网络解释 与ASEAN相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟 (东盟)

亚国家联盟(东盟)(ASEAN)气候图集,1975年开始ds606.3 热带海洋全球大气计划(TOGA)海气相互作用实验(COARE)的对流和中尺度资料ds673.0 美国国家气象中心(NMC)的Nimbus-5卫星的海冰和降雨概率的电子扫描微波辐射仪(ESMR)资料,


当然首先就是联合国下面的各种机构(如 "联合国贸发会议"UNCTAD),另外就是各种区域性组织,特别是像"东南亚国家联盟"(ASEAN)这样的在国际上活跃的组织,更是经常会论及的.


2002年,以MUSICIAN的身份,参加"东盟"(ASEAN)国际组织在汶莱首都斯里巴加湾举行的年会,并出演第五届 "SUKMAIRAMA 2002"音乐会,为汶莱苏丹(国王)及十个国家的新闻、文化部长演奏,演出实况通过国际卫星向全球直播.


8 月时,印度在一周当中分别与南韩,以及东南亚国 协(ASEAN)的 10 小国,总共签署了两个自贸协定. 此外,东南亚国协与中国在 2004 年所签署的自贸协定 中,关税削减的最终阶段即将在 2010 年完全生效. 不过,

ASEAN:abbr. the association of south east asian nations; 东南亚国家联盟

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