英语人>网络解释>那很好 相关的搜索结果


与 那很好 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Okay? Anything else

好了? 还有其他问题吗

It works now, so good.|现在关系很好 这样挺好 | Okay? Anything else?|好了? 还有其他问题吗? | Do you think it was real?|你觉得那是真的吗?

That should be good for company morale


I'll fire one of them at the company costume ball.|我将在公司的化装舞会... | That should be good for company morale.|那将鼓舞我们公司的士气 | Very well, then. Keep up the good work, you two.|那很好.你们...

How's it going, fellows


Tomorrow, we'll find somebody who works upstairs in those rooms, okay?|明天我们找个那一楼层... | How's it going, fellows?|你们好吗 | - Yeah, we're good, thanks. Very good. Glad to hear it.|-很好,谢谢 -...

Okay, see you later

那好. 再见

No. it's fine. Really.不用,一切很好,真的. | Okay. See you later.那好. 再见. | He's got the eyes.他有一双怪眼.

The crab dip is going spectacularly well


Crab dip is going great. Oh, no, no.|蟹酱很好 哦,不不 | The crab dip is going spectacularly well.|蟹酱那是相当得好 | That's the thing in the little red bowl, right?|就是在小红碗里的那个 对吗?

short for MRI

那 好像是 核磁共振的缩写 对不对

CT scan was negative.|CT没查出东西 | That's, like, short for MRI, right?|那 好像是 核磁共振的缩写 对不对? | Excellent. That'll save us a lot of time.|很好 节省了很多时间

it's something that disrupts brain function


You don't know everything,house.|你不是万事通,豪... | it's something that disrupts brain function.|那是什么东西阻断了大脑的功能 | Plaques are perfect. Interrupt neuronal communication.|插片很好,阻断神经...

Sniffs] Calvin Klein

哦!那是什么? 卡尔文?那相当的不错

I guess your mama raised you right.|我想你妈妈把你养大是... | Whoo! What is that? [Sniffs] Calvin Klein? That's very nice.|哦!那是什么? 卡尔文?那相当的不错 | Very good. I-I better back off.|很好! 我最好...

I hear this book sell like hot cakes


2. The play was very well reviewed.这出戏得到很好的评价 | 3. I hear this book sell like hot cakes.我听说这书现在很畅销 | 4. That book is really not great.那本书确实不怎么样(书的内容用great就能表达了...

So... Um


- I see. - People can be so cruel.|- 知道了 - 有时,人类很残酷 | So, um...|那,嗯... | ..well, we think it's fine.|...我们认为很好

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front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

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make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

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