英语人>网络解释>购买 相关的搜索结果


与 购买 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wordpress BankRoll


Buy Me a Beer- 允许读者使用Paypal捐赠 | Wordpress BankRoll- 拒绝中间商,让广告主直接购买博客的付费评论 | WordPress 管理员工具

bargain hunter

买便宜货的人 投机商人, 杀价购买股票的投机商

bargain for | 指望, 想以廉价买 | bargain hunter | 买便宜货的人 投机商人, 杀价购买股票的投机商 | bargain hunting | 买便宜货

be desirous of sth


在...范围内within the scope of | 想要购买be desirous of sth. | 询购... inquiry for

be in the market for sth


6\\owe your name and address to...从......得知你你方名称及地址 | 7\\be in the market for sth.想要购买 | 8\\avail ourselves of this opportunity to do sth.利用这个机会去做

may be restricted to people aged over


高度设防监狱 maximum security prisons | 或会禁止十八岁以上人士购买 may be restricted to people aged over 18 | 或会注射禽流感疫苗 may be vaccinated against bird

Buying a birthday gift


19 An important football result重要的足球赛结果 | 20 Buying a birthday gift购买生日礼物 | .21 Disagreement over an invitation对邀请的争论



glissade 下滑 | boofer 购买毒品者 | accidental collision 意外碰撞

bought bought

买, 购买

build建造, 建筑 构造, built built | buy买, 购买, bought bought | catch捕捉, 捕获物, (窗)钩捕获, 赶上(车船等), 发觉, 感染(疾病)抓住 caught caught

Buy in Package and Save


Traditional Natural Bokens传统的自然bokens | Buy in Package and Save购买在包装和储存 | Expand Your Training扩展您的培训

15 Total Bags (5 packages of 3 bags); Buy Bulk And Save Big

共15袋( 5包小包的三袋) ;批量购买和储存大元元

Features: ... | 15 Total Bags (5 packages of 3 bags); Buy Bulk And Save Big $$共15袋( 5包小包的三袋) ;批量购买和储存大元元 | HEPA Vacuum Bags Are Ideal For Homes With Allergies, Asthma, Breathing Issue...

第7/100页 首页 < ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... > 尾页

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...