英语人>网络解释>购买 相关的搜索结果


与 购买 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

purchase in perpetuity


punitive stamp duty 惩罚性印花税 | purchase in perpetuity 购买永久持有权年数 | purchase notice 收购通知书;收购通知

pester power


Personalization n. 个性化 | pester power 儿童消费力;儿童吵着父母亲购买东西的能力. | pet therapy 宠物疗法:在治疗若干疾病或身体病症时,让动物,尤其是宠猫或宠狗,陪伴病患.

right of pre-emption


right of conversion into stock 兑换证券的权利 | right of pre-emption 优先购买权 | right of retainer 遗产保留权;财产保留权

a right of pre-emption


意思表示真实:the intention expressed is genuine | 优先购买的权利:a right of pre-emption | 优先权 priority, preemptive right

Pre-emptive right


pre-empt resources 优先占用资源 | pre-emptive right 优先购买权;优先认购权 | preference margin 特惠待遇差额;优惠差额

purchase predisposition


pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张 | purchase predisposition 购买倾向 | purchasing agent 采购代理

preempt: v.1

抢先占有,取得优先购买权 2.预先制止

pronunciation: n.发音,发音法,读法 | preempt: v.1.抢先占有,取得优先购买权 2.预先制止 | revise: v. 修订,校订,订正

It pains the professo- rs to know students buy prewritten graduation thesis

得知大学生购买事先写好 的毕业论文,教授们极为 痛心

thesis n.论文,毕业论文; 论题,论点 | It pains the professo- rs to know students buy prewritten graduation thesis. ;得知大学生购买事先写好 的毕业论文,教授们极为 痛心. | tribe n.部落;族(生物分类)

It pains the professors to know students buy prewritten graduation thesis

得知大学生购买事先写好 的毕业论文,教授们极为 痛心

thesis n.论文,毕业论文; 论题,论点 | It pains the professors to know students buy prewritten graduation thesis. ;得知大学生购买事先写好 的毕业论文,教授们极为 痛心. | tribe n.部落;族(生物分类)

n Conduct decisions to "make or buy," privatize, or outsource products or services

对 "制造还是购买",私有化或者对产品和服务的外购进行决策

Part A. Sourcing A... | n Conduct decisions to "make or buy," privatize, or outsource products or services.对 "制造还是购买",私有化或者对产品和服务的外购进行决策 | n Conduct decisions to lease or buy e...

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front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...