- 与 航海 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
turn down a bed
take to one's bed 病倒在床上 | turn down a bed 把床罩掀开一部分(便于就寝) | bed and board 膳宿;家庭生活, 夫妻关系;[航海]并行;
notices to airmen
notice 注意事项 | notices to airmen 航空通告 | notices to mariners 航海通告
Lesson One Spelling in Alphabets and Numbers
Section A Navigation Communications 航海会话 | Lesson One Spelling in Alphabets and Numbers 字母及数字拼读 | Lesson Two Pilotage Service 引航业务
The Bothie of Toberna-Vuolich
Amours de Voyage <<航海恋>> | The Bothie of Toberna-Vuolich <<陶伯纳傅里克的茅舍>> | 'Say not the struggle nought availeth'<莫谓奋斗徒劳无益>
<法> (政府对国民经济)干预或统制(主义)
compass bearing [航海]罗盘方位 | dirigisme <法> (政府对国民经济)干预或统制(主义) | cuprum 铜
gun sight
南梦宫麻将 3-麻将天国 Namcot Mahjong 3 - Mahjong Tengoku | 救难任务 Gun Sight | 大航海时代 Dai Koukai Jidai
iron oxide brown
氧化铁棕 [进出口词汇]
iron oxide spent 废氧化铁 [航海航天词汇] | iron oxide brown 氧化铁棕 [进出口词汇] | ferric oxide red 氧化铁红 [进出口词汇]
iron hydroxide
氢氧化铁 [化学及化工词汇]
ferrous oxide 氧化亚铁 [石油词汇] | iron hydroxide 氢氧化铁 [化学及化工词汇] | red oxide 三氧化二铁 [航海航天词汇]
School Leavers' Programme
277 Maritime Studies 海事科 | 368 School Leavers' Programme 离校前准备课程 | 372 Seamanship 航海训练
School Leavers' Programme
277 Maritime Studies 海事科 | 368 School Leavers' Programme 校前准备课程 | 372 Seamanship 航海训
- 推荐网络解释
I couldn't be more tragic:我就披下喜剧的华服
And if I were the King of Rome 若我非罗马王 | I couldn't be more tragic 我就披下喜剧的华服 | My fate to roam 命运支使
speak in public:在公共场合说话
58.do a personality survey 做一个性格调查 | 59.speak in public 在公共场合说话 | 60.hardly ever 几乎不
2、执行"编辑"(Edit)|"变换"( Transform)|"扭曲(distort)命令,将"三维字"拉成透视状. 百度(baidu)提供的内容