英语人>网络解释>肯定... 相关的搜索结果


与 肯定... 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

is gonna freak out and throw a * fit


backfired适得其反 | *** is gonna freak out and throw a * fit ***肯定无所适从,进而大发脾气 | suit yourself随你的便

He's affirming it


478 00:35:49,880 --> 00:35:53,260 他认为,所以他不是在挑战Bentha... | 479 00:35:54,270 --> 00:35:55,140 而是在肯定他. He's affirming it. | 480 00:35:55,680 --> 00:35:59,140 他非常明确的说,"唯一能证明一个...

Guys, if he blabs, that's orange jumpsuits for all of us


- Then what is the problem? - Well, Garret's gone nuts!|-那什么是问题所在... | Guys, if he blabs, that's orange jumpsuits for all of us.|姐妹们,如果他多嘴的话,我们肯定都身穿囚衣了 | What do we do?|我们能...

See? Certainties


I know what that's gonna feel like when I pick it up.|我捡起来会有什么感觉 | See? Certainties.|所谓肯定... | It's the kind of memory you take for granted.|只是自以为错不了的记忆

crunches yesterday

放松点 凯文 这次我肯定赢|我昨天做了40个仰卧起坐

You know, you could rest up|for the jump to... | Relax, Kev. l'm gonna win this time.|l did, like, 40 crunches yesterday.|放松点 凯文 这次我肯定赢|我昨天做了40个仰卧起坐 | What is it with you two, anyw...

Lamia, surely you can be dissuaded from taking this insignificant woman.|Lamia

你肯定看不上 这个无足轻重的丫头吧

- He was the one! He was... - Silence!|- 是... | Lamia, surely you can be dissuaded from taking this insignificant woman.|Lamia 你肯定看不上 这个无足轻重的丫头吧 | Surely she is not worthy of your grea...

Telling you, girl. Pound to a penny, them two are chutney ferrets


- Look like a pair of quegs. - Oh, behave!|- 他俩看上去就... | Telling you, girl. Pound to a penny, them two are chutney ferrets.|姐妹,我打赌他俩肯定是同性恋 | - You all right? - Cool as the Fonz.|- 你们...

He's the kind of guy|that you've always gravitated toward


...a good, safe bet. You know?|...一个很不错 很... | He's the kind of guy|that you've always gravitated toward.|他是肯定会吸引你的那一型 | ...and advised other women to pursue,|isn't he?|也是你一直建议...

so I'm pretty sure she's not harbouring same-sex tendencies


l found a picture of Jared Leto in her draw... | so I'm pretty sure she's not harbouring same-sex tendencies.|所以,我可以肯定她没有同性恋的性取向. | Okay, so that's the kind of guys she likes-- Like, p...

I swear, he leers at my tits one more time, he's gonna regret it


Every week a new bimbo.|都带新的波霸 | I swear, he leers at my tits one more time, he's gonna regret it.|他敢再偷瞄我咪咪,我肯定叫他后悔 | Damn it, Carlos! Watch where you're going.|卡洛,走路要看好

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Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务