英语人>网络解释>职业是 相关的搜索结果


与 职业是 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We can say that one is lucky if his vocation coincide with his avocation

如果一个人的职业刚好与 他的爱好一致,那么我们 就可以说他是非常幸运的

coincide vi.同时发生;... | We can say that one is lucky if his vocation coincide with his avocation. ;如果一个人的职业刚好与 他的爱好一致,那么我们 就可以说他是非常幸运的 | All the citizens must comply ...



一些外企表示,他们希望所招募的员工不是奔"饭碗" (job)而来,而是奔"职业"(career)而来. 过分重视薪酬待遇,是短视的表现. 任何一家管理有序的外企,都喜欢对事业有所追求的员工,而不会欢 迎目光短浅者.

I got this job through an employment agency


333. The heroine of the film is an aged woman. 影片的女主角是... | 334. I got this job through an employment agency. 我通过职业介绍所找到了这份工作. | 335. He used to be a literary agent. 他曾是一位著...

Ethnicity,occuptation and language spoken are the cruical factors in intermarriage


1273.There was a cyclone of ter... | 1274.Ethnicity,occuptation and language spoken are the cruical factors in intermarriage.种族特性、职业和所讲语言,都是异族通婚的重要因素. | 1275.Don't say anything t...

it's your intention to legitimise professional football

你的意思是要使 职业橄榄球合法化

So if I understand you correctly, Mr Connelly,|如果我没... | it's your intention to legitimise professional football?|你的意思是要使 职业橄榄球合法化? | - That's right. - Well, let me say straight off,|...



植物油的另一优点是,...尽管ACGIH并不是一个管理机构,但美国职业安全和健康署(OSHA)还是接受了他们的建议. 一旦这一新的限制生效以后,它必将会影响到设备制造商和最终用户,并需要对设备作大量的改进. 这意味...

Or maybe we'll be professional baseball players


Right. 是. | Or maybe we'll be professional baseball players. 哦,也许我们将成为职业棒球手. | "Yeah, we can't decide." 是啊,我们无法决定.

Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club


according to: prep.据;按照 | 2:Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club... 他是乡村俱乐部的高尔夫球教练...... | pro: 职业人员,尤指职业运动员

I truly think connectivity is the only surefire way


to make new connections.|的好方法 | I truly think connectivity is the only surefire way|我真的认为关系是通往好职业 | to a decent career - or lifestyle, for that matter.|或生活方式的唯一道路

vocational training


我们也用普通教育(general education )这个词,但它不是指一个行业甚或是人作为一个劳动者的角色,它只是与职业培训(vocational training)相对而言有所联系.

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pensionable emolument:可供计算退休金的薪酬

pensionable child 可领取抚恤金的子女 | pensionable emolument 可供计算退休金的薪酬 | pensionable establishment 可享退休金人员编制

heat pump evaporator:热泵蒸发器

热泵干燥器 heat pump dryer | 热泵蒸发器 heat pump evaporator | 润药机 herbal medicine infiltrating machine

resistant varieties:抗性品种

Resistance to chemical 抵抗化学物质 | Resistant varieties 抗性品种 | Respiration 呼吸作用