英语人>网络解释>看房子 相关的搜索结果


与 看房子 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a good investment


4. This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. 这是一个有两间卧室,有个浴室的房子... | 5. It's a good investment. 这可是一项好的投资. | 6. Why don't we go and look at this house? 我们为什么不去看一看那个房子...



抬头看着面前的房子,他们仔细打量着这个荒废(dilapidated)的大宅(mansion). 所有的窗户都大敞着,四周环绕的草木看起来就好像要吞掉这座房子一样. "这地方肯定已经空了相当长时间了. "Coleman说. "跟我来,这好像有条辅道(service drive).


为了驱逐恶灵,他们会将房子里的炉火和烛台(candles)熄灭(extinguish),将房子弄得很荒凉(inhospitable),好像没人居住一样,这样恶灵就不会进屋去. 他们也会故意穿得很邋遢(sloppilydressed),看起来很丑,这样恶灵就不愿意接近他们了.

Talking to the loan officer at the bank


Looking at the houses. 看房子 | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 与银行的贷款负责责人谈 | It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次学习经经验 真的

Talking to the loan officer at the bank


Looking at the houses. 看房子. | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 与银行的贷款负责人谈. | It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次学习经验,真的.

Talking to the loan officer at the bank


Looking at the houses. 看房子 | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 與銀行啲貸款負責責人談 | It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次學習經經驗 真啲

Talking to the real-estate agent


This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. 这对我们是一次很很好的学习经验 Marilyn | Talking to the real-estate agent. 与房地产仲介商谈 | Looking at the houses. 看房子

Talking to the real-estate agent


This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. 这对我们来讲是一次很好的学习经验,Marilyn. | Talking to the real-estate agent. 与房地产中介商谈. | Looking at the houses. 看房子.

Talking to the real-estate agent


This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. 这對我們是一次很很好啲學習經驗 Marilyn | Talking to the real-estate agent. 與房哋産仲介商談 | Looking at the houses. 看房子

without so much as a sign


and left the house holding his boots 就拎着靴子溜出了房子 | without so much as a sign 甚至都没有看一眼 | to his wife or Vronsky. 他的妻子或渥伦斯基.

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