英语人>网络解释>狼群 相关的搜索结果


与 狼群 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kalonian Behemoth


187Howl of the Night Pack夜狼群之吼M10 | 188Kalonian Behemoth卡隆尼亚贝西摩斯M10 | 189Llanowar Elves罗堰妖精M10

Cudgel Troll


Windstorm 大風暴*4e 5 | Cudgel Troll 棍棒巨魔*2e 5 | Howl of the Night Pack 夜狼群之吼*2e 5

endangered species


狼族是"濒临绝种动物"(Endangered Species)所列的重要保护动物之一,人们是否应该将狼群从现今的栖息地,引入到狼族曾经居住过的地区?还是应该任其自由迁徙,回归大自然,繁衍后代?在与狼族的合作关系里,也有一种比较复杂而又难以定义的类型--与人类的合作关系.

The Howling

(在玉米右邊的狼群. )

The Hills Have Eyes (山上很按又有很多眼睛. ) | The Howling (在玉米右邊的狼群. ) | The Lost Boys (藍色的m&m左下角的三個男孩. )

And my wolf pack, it grew by one

我的狼群 从此多了一人

But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own.|但当我姐... | And my wolf pack, it grew by one.|我的狼群 从此多了一人 | So were there two... So there were two of us in the wolf pack....

內華達大學 (Wolf Pack 狼群隊)

University of Nevada

University of Hawaii 夏威夷大學 (Rainbow Warriors 彩虹戰士隊) | University of Nevada 內華達大學 (Wolf Pack 狼群隊) | University of Texas at El Paso 德州大學艾爾帕索分校 (Miners 礦工隊)

Yet the wolf pack has been retreating of late

狼群 最近

flashy adj. 华而不实的 | fancy adj. 奇妙的 | Yet the wolf pack has been retreating of late. 狼群 最近

I just added two more guys to my wolf pack


'Wait a second. Could it be? ' And now, I know for sure.|"等等 会吗?" 但现在我很确定了 | I just added two more guys to my wolf pack."|我的狼群又多了两个人 | - All right. - All right.|不错 很好

If you have a fishing boat, the dead drift method allows you to


If you have a fishing boat, the dead drift method allows you to如果你有狼群的方法是让你死漂移 | cover a huge patch of water in a hurry and very effe... | floating in the water generally at the same spe...

as a sheep among the shearers

落入狼群; 落在一群恶汉手中的善良人

迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人 a sheep among wolves | 落入狼群; 落在一群恶汉手中的善良人 as a sheep among the shearers | 仿佛落在剪羊毛工人手里的绵羊 as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb

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在2000年大获成功的新人中,来自圣路易斯的饶舌歌手奈利(Nelly)的>5白金成绩最为耀眼. 命运之子合唱团(Destiny's Child)在今年内又以>(The writing's on the wall)也获得了600万张的销量.


electrolessplating 无电镀 化学镀 | electrolier 枝形电灯架 | electrolithotripsia 电碎石术

suction hose rope:吸水管绳

suction head 吸水头 | suction hose rope 吸水管绳 | suction hose strainer 吸水管过滤器