英语人>网络解释>清醒起来 相关的搜索结果


与 清醒起来 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

come alive

活跃起来; 显得象真的似的

come again 再说一遍 (从昏迷中)清醒过来 [方]死后现形 | come alive 活跃起来; 显得象真的似的 | come amiss 不称心, 不合适, 不受欢迎

come again

再说一遍 (从昏迷中)清醒过来 [方]死后现形

come after 跟着...来, 跟在...后面 来取, 寻找; 争取 追赶 继承 | come again 再说一遍 (从昏迷中)清醒过来 [方]死后现形 | come alive 活跃起来; 显得象真的似的

When the mother went into hospital, her eldest daughter had to hold the fort


Hold the fort 坚守岗位 | When the mother went into hospital, her eldest daughter had to hold the fort. 母亲住院时,她长女只得挑起料理家务的担子. | Sober up清醒起来

Sober up


When the mother went into hospital, her eldest daughter had to hold the fort. 母亲住院时,她长女只得挑起料理家务的担... | Sober up清醒起来 | He'll need some time to sober up. 他需要过一些时间才能清醒过来...

become sober


become retainer of | 投靠 | become sober | 清醒 | become the mode | 流行起来

I was sobering up


go up to / went up to: 前往 | 4:I was sobering up. 我逐渐酒醒. | sober up: v.清醒起来

It seemed like a dream but I'm wide-awake


Just how I feel 正好我感觉到 | It seemed like a dream but I'm wide-awake 它看起来是毫不费力的,但使我完全清醒 | And like the earth inside it made me shake 可能在这个地球里它使我颤动

He'll need some time to sober up


Sober up清醒起来 | He'll need some time to sober up. 他需要过一些时间才能清醒过来. | Blow over被淡忘

Give lke back his guns. -Not till he sobers up

把艾克的枪还给他 除非他清醒起来

lke, can you walk?|艾克,你能走吗 | -Give lke back his guns. -Not till he sobers up.|把艾克的枪还给他 除非他清醒起来 | Wearin' that badge don't make you right.|即使戴着徽章也不能这样做



图四中可见除了K/T交界之外,重大绝种期发生在奥陶纪(Ordovician)、泥盆纪(Devonian)、二叠纪(Permian)、三叠纪(Triassic)等. 自寒武纪(Cambrian)之后,平均绝种速度渐减,表示演化时期愈久,生物之适应能力愈强. 除了K/T交界发现有铱异常之外,

RRP Radical retropubic prostatectomy:耻骨后前列腺根治性切除

RR Relative risk 相对危险 | RRP Radical retropubic prostatectomy 耻骨后前列腺根治性切除 | RSV Respiratory syncytial virus 呼吸道合包病毒

thymidine kinase:胸腺激酶

胸腺核苷 thymidine | 胸腺激酶 thymidine kinase | 胸腺核苷酸 thymidylic acid