英语人>网络解释>注意 相关的搜索结果


与 注意 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]






注意: 只有为管线创建了标签后,"删除"(Delete) 才可用. 注意: 仅当为管线创建了标签时,"显示"(Show) 和"隐藏"(Hide) 才可用于管线. 注意: 仅当选定的管段节点具有实体时,"删除"(Delete) 才可用. 注意: 仅当选定的管段节点具有非隐含实体时,



注意此句中的fucking作形容词(adj)用注意此句中的fucking作副词(adv)用注意此句中的fucking作副词(adv)用注意此句中的fucking作形容词(adj)用Fuck all是英国人的粗话, 意思和nothing相同, 是个代名词 (pron)注意此句中fuck作动词(v)用,

I hadnt noticed


- got a serious lean toward the African-American persuasion. 劳改制度对黑... | - I hadnt noticed. 我没注意到 | - They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please. 他们在数量上占据优势...

And a shot deflected by craig. -Watch the middle

射门被Craig挡住了 -注意中场

The pass in front of the U.S. net.|球传到了美国... | -And a shot deflected by craig. -Watch the middle!|-射门被Craig挡住了 -注意中场! | come on, Jimmy. Keep it out of the middle, boys!|加油,Jimmy. 不要让...

Firefighter down Dogpatch, where's that life net


好了,咱们移过去 Okay, let's move. | 下面注意.神狗队,救生网在哪? Firefighter down Dogpatch, where's that life net? | 把它移过去,走!还需要个人 Let's move it! Let's go! Need another man.

Right leg. Good

注意右脚 很好

Soft hands. Good.|放松手腕 很好 | Right leg. Good.|注意右脚 很好 | Good!|很好

CTN caution


CSEU control system electronics unit 控制系统电子元件 | CTN caution 注意 | CTR center 中央

Did you notice we're both wearing Bermuda shorts

你们有注意到 我们两个都穿百慕达短裤吗

Who wouldn't?|谁不喜欢呢... | Did you notice we're both wearing Bermuda shorts?|你们有注意到 我们两个都穿百慕达短裤吗? | Bermudas in Bermuda. You kids were crazy down there!|在百慕达穿百慕达短裤 你们真...

Hail Mary pass. These things happen

玛利亚天主一时没注意到照顾我们, 输的事常有

What you saying? You got insomnia, indigestion, you're gonna qu... | Hail Mary pass. These things happen.|玛利亚天主一时没注意到照顾我们, 输的事常有 | Listen to me, man. I'm telling you. It's over.|听我...

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execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制