英语人>网络解释>梳头 相关的搜索结果


与 梳头 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Comb your hair. 梳头. | ●Babysitting 照看孩子 | Did she go? 她是不是尿了?

brotherly love


Brotherhood 情谊 | Brotherly love 兄弟般的爱 | She was brushing her in front of a mirror 她对着镜子梳头

do up one's hair


do up brown 彻底搞好 | do up one's hair 梳头 | do up 束起

Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose

快去洗脸、梳头发、洗手 刷牙、擤鼻子

- But that's tomorrow. - Then ther... | Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose.|快去洗脸、梳头发、洗手 刷牙、擤鼻子 | - And get that mud off your pants. - Now w...

Comb your sleepyhead


Brush your teeth 去刷牙 | Comb your sleepyhead 记得梳头! | Here's your clothes and your shoes 这是你的衣服你的鞋

And then we brushed each other's hair and gabbed about American Idol

然后我们给对方梳头发 闲聊"美国偶像

Yes. Yeah, she explained every detail of her decision making.|是的 是的... | And then we brushed each other's hair and gabbed about American Idol.|然后我们给对方梳头发 闲聊"美国偶像" | I see your point....

How's my hair? Is it messed up?|I ain't got all day. Is it mussed

我的头发怎么样? 乱了没?|我一天没梳头了 它乱了没

I still can't believe he's gone.|He was like a so... | How's my hair? Is it messed up?|I ain't got all day. Is it mussed?|我的头发怎么样? 乱了没?|我一天没梳头了 它乱了没? | We just have a few more ques...

disabilities of brushing and combing hair


d34.7 性别特殊照料失能 disabilities of gender-specific care | d34.70 梳头失能 disabilities of brushing and combing hair | d34.71 刮脸失能 disabilities of shaving

kesa-marjana-kausala - art of combing hair


utsadana - art of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes 用香水来... | kesa-marjana-kausala - art of combing hair 梳头的艺术 | aksara-mustika-kathana - art of talking with letters and fingers 用文字...

She was combing her hair


I) 这娃娃头真大. The baby has got a real big head. | 2) 她正在梳头. She was combing her hair. | 3) 他的女儿在山头上玩. His daughter is playing on the top of the hill.

第1/3页 1 2 3 > 尾页


在2000年大获成功的新人中,来自圣路易斯的饶舌歌手奈利(Nelly)的>5白金成绩最为耀眼. 命运之子合唱团(Destiny's Child)在今年内又以>(The writing's on the wall)也获得了600万张的销量.


electrolessplating 无电镀 化学镀 | electrolier 枝形电灯架 | electrolithotripsia 电碎石术

suction hose rope:吸水管绳

suction head 吸水头 | suction hose rope 吸水管绳 | suction hose strainer 吸水管过滤器