英语人>网络解释>心 相关的搜索结果

与 心 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be shocked to witness


be startled to see ... 看到......大吃一惊 | be shocked to witness 悚目惊 | stare sb. down 盯得某人不敢再对视下去

Bead core


bead catalyst | 颗粒催化剂 | bead core | 叶轮 | bead covering machine | 包装机

NICI Bears


Lillebi (老鼠系列) | NICI Bears (甜熊系列) | NICI Winter Sports (冬季运动系列)

Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time


And your laughter's like wind in my sails. (你的微笑,是我人... | Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time, (紧靠着我,让我的随你跳摆) | Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long. (紧握你的...

Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time


And your laughter's like wind in my sails. 你的笑是我航行... | Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time, 靠着我,让我们的一起跳动 | Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long. 从长久相握的手...

Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time


And I know a love that will never grow old. 我知道,有一种... | Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time, 紧靠着我,让我们的一起跳动 | Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long. 紧握你的手...

American Beauty


近在美国最引起讨论的电影,当属"美国.玫瑰情"(American Beauty)了,这部以美国中产阶级家庭为焦点的家庭写实片,坦白揭露了存在于美国家庭及社会的一些问题,包括中年危机症侯群、青少年的族群认同及吸毒问题、父母与子女间的疏离现象、同性恋问题...等等,

Strange Bedfellow


1985 The Flying Mr. B (鬼馬飛人) | 1986 Strange Bedfellow (兩公婆八條) | 100 Ways to Murder Your Wife (殺妻二人組)

Belinda Lee


Xiang Yun 向云 | Belinda Lee 李钰 | Yvonne Lim 林湘萍

Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan


SONNET 133 十四行诗 第133首 [英] 莎士比亚 | Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan 诅咒那颗,它令我呻吟- | For that deep wound it gives my friend and me! 深深地伤害我和我友人!

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reinforced concrete construction:钢筋混凝土结构

已有钢结构 existing steel structure | 钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete construction | 楼面 floor

lateroabdominal position:侧腹卧位

laterization test 偏侧试验 | lateroabdominal position 侧腹卧位 | laterocranium 侧颅

A Cosmopolite in a Cafe:咖啡馆里的

Conscience In Art 艺术良 | The Cop and the Anthem 警察与赞美诗 | A Cosmopolite in a Cafe 咖啡馆里的