英语人>网络解释>心 相关的搜索结果

与 心 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BCG Ballistocardiogram


BCF Bioconcentration Factor 生物浓度指数 | BCG Ballistocardiogram 冲击图 | BCLS Basic Cardiac Life Support 基本脏生命支持

Since I myself let my heart be a slave to my body


胡不归! Why not go back home? | 既自以为形役,Since I myself let my heart be a slave to my body, | 奚惘怅而独悲! Why should I be so full of melancholy?

be consumed with

因...而变得憔悴, 给...弄得心劳神疲

His old car consumed much gasoline. 他的旧汽车耗油很多. | be consumed with 因...而变得憔悴, 给...弄得劳神疲 | consume away 消耗掉; 憔悴; 枯萎凋谢,耗去;吃光;烧光

be grateful for


be good for--利于 | be grateful for--对......存感激 | be impatient for--对......不耐烦

be grateful for his help


61. 跑过来/跑向 run up | 62. 对某人的帮助存感激 be grateful for his help | 对某人存感激 be grateful to sb.

Remember to be grateful for school


I hope your school life is great.我希望你们的学校生活也很棒. | Remember to be grateful for school.记得,要对学校存感激. | Hello everybody.大家好

IE: to handle with ease; to be in one's element


形成: V: to form, to become | 得應手: IE: to handle with ease; to be in one's element | 意義: N: meaning, purport

be out of one's mind


What do you say ... :你看...怎么样~ | be out of one's mind: 发疯了,失疯了,撞邪了. | messy: 散乱的,麻烦的.

be thankful for sth


10 the medical supplies医药提供 | 11 be thankful for sth.对某事存感激 | 12 bring help and relief带来帮助

Be thankful for small favors

即便人家给你小恩惠, 也应心存感激

[10:50.45]I'm not an after-the-fact kind of guy. ;我并不是那种利用过, ... | [10:53.13]Be thankful for small favors. ;即便人家给你小恩惠, 也应存感激. | [10:56.85]How can I thank you enough? ;我该如何...

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reinforced concrete construction:钢筋混凝土结构

已有钢结构 existing steel structure | 钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete construction | 楼面 floor

lateroabdominal position:侧腹卧位

laterization test 偏侧试验 | lateroabdominal position 侧腹卧位 | laterocranium 侧颅

A Cosmopolite in a Cafe:咖啡馆里的

Conscience In Art 艺术良 | The Cop and the Anthem 警察与赞美诗 | A Cosmopolite in a Cafe 咖啡馆里的