英语人>网络解释>张 相关的搜索结果

与 张 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

skew symmetric tensor


反对称部分 skew symmetric part | 反对称量 skew symmetric tensor | 反对称变换 skew symmetric transformation

I want to book a berth in the sleeping-car


我要托运行李 I'd like to register my luggage | 我要买一软卧票 I want to book a berth in the sleeping-car. | 我随身能带多少行李? How much luggage can I take with me?

Next, when I got my slinky caught in my hair


that help her stop smoking.|我给... | Next, when I got my slinky caught in my hair.|下面一是弹簧卡住了我的头发 | And, finally, a photo of my other neighbour Damian Popodopolous.|最后 是我另一个邻居Dam...

Lesson 113 Small change

新概念英语第一册 第38课 主讲人:张生云

view 侧重个人意见 | 新概念英语第一册 第38课 主讲人:生云Lesson 113 Small change | conductor n. 售票员

With this smile upon my face


Now I wake up everyday 现在,我每天醒来 | With this smile upon my face 都会拥有一微笑的脸 | No more tears, no more pain 不再有泪水,不再有痛苦



刘璐瑶 Lucy | 诗晨 Soddy | 王佳怡 Wendy

I got a speeding ticket because of radar


156. 因为我赶着去看医生. Because I am in a hurry to ... | 157. 我拿到一雷达侦测超速罚单. I got a speeding ticket because of radar. | 158. 我想查询我的停车违规罚款. I want to check my parking viola...

You sit up there in your spindly little webs


You can sue if you like,|but it's like... Jimmy Stewa... | You sit up there in your spindly little webs,|你坐在你这真皮长椅上 | And you think the whole world revolves|around you and your money, but i...

stagger wire


tandem-rotor helicopter 纵列式(双旋桨) | stagger wire 斜罩线 | sweepback 后掠角

a star map


with your own eyes 用你自己的眼睛 | a star map 一星空地图 | see a star move 看见星星移动

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sedopeptose 景天糖 | seducement 诱惑手段 | seducershaikhsheiksheikh 玩弄女性的人

LADY DY:达依女士

节目名称 达依女士(LADY DY) 节目介绍:经典曲目. 此首是从理查德的>里获得. 节目名称 瓦妮莎的微笑(LES PREMIERS SOURIRES DE VANESSA) 节目介绍:该曲目的背景资料亦未知,由理查德.克莱得曼的>专辑中截取.

The Golden Age:辉煌年代

下来将同英国老乡克里夫欧文并肩出现在凯特布兰切特的伊丽莎白女王时代剧<<辉煌年代>>(The Golden Age)当中,此外还与娜塔丽波特曼、斯嘉丽约翰逊以及艾瑞克巴纳合作了亨利八世时代剧<<另一个波琳家的女孩>>(The Other Boleyn Girl)等,