英语人>网络解释>如果 相关的搜索结果


与 如果 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Darius Miles


Michael Curry/完全自由/两百八十万/老将,防守专家 | Darius Miles/受限自由/四百一十万/如果能够学会投篮,值得投资 | Mark Blount/球员选项/一百万/蓝领苦工,今年在波士顿表现优秀

If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible

如果你的前提成立,那么 就很容易推断出你的结 论了

Our thinking is permeated by our historical myt... | If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible. ;如果你的前提成立,那么 就很容易推断出你的结 论了. | If the premise is found to...

Yes, definitely

如果可以的话,你会生一窝小孩么?(哈哈 要如实回答)

11、对于你的另一半,是要讲条件的吗? probably not, maybe just luv a random guy randomly,h... | 12、如果可以的话,你会生一窝小孩么?(哈哈 要如实回答) yes, definitely | 13、你相信网恋吗? no, completely impossib...

My deliverance


That I'm just a friend 我只是你一个(普通的)朋友 | My deliverance 如果这就是我最后的判决(救赎) | Will you think about me every now and then那么你偶尔会想起我来吗?

I had to create a monster if i was going to dethrone a queen

如果我想废除女王的话 我得创造出一个怪物

Jealousy is a powerful emotion.|嫉妒... | I had to create a monster if i was going to dethrone a queen.|如果我想废除女王的话 我得创造出一个怪物 | Why do you care who's queen of the high school?|为什么你...

This is the biggest weekend in Sandy's life. If you detract from her wedding

这周末可是珊蒂这一生的大日子 如果你破坏了她的婚礼

Yeah, listen to m... | This is the biggest weekend in Sandy's life. If you detract from her wedding...|...这周末可是珊蒂这一生的大日子 如果你破坏了她的婚礼... | ...I will sneak into your room and cut o...

What about a direct hit


"一部分向外界妥协. 另一部分依旧保持完整. 这样我仍然得以漂浮. One part of the ?... | "如果被直接命中呢?What about a direct hit? " | "那我就要用个箱子把所有贵重物品装起来,象保险单一样. I have a box that ...

If dismissive, then please tell me, what is called true love


敢问还有哪个女生能做到,生死抉择面前爱人... | 如果不屑一顾,那么请告诉我,什么才叫做真正的爱情? If dismissive, then please tell me, what is called true love ? | 生活确实开始起风浪了,虽然爱情经不起,可是我经...

If you're too cold to disrobe, we- - No

如果你觉得太冷不想脱衣服 我们可以- - 不

No! No, please. I don't care if it's intrusive.|不! 不用 我不... | - If you're too cold to disrobe, we- - No!|- 如果你觉得太冷不想脱衣服 我们可以- - 不! | Turn around. Unbutton your shirt.|转身 解开你的...

If you have to call me a name, I'd prefer "Ross, the Divorcer." It's just cooler

如果你要帮我取绰号,我比较喜欢 "罗斯,离婚王",听起来较酷

Seriously, you? "Divorc... | If you have to call me a name, I'd prefer "Ross, the Divorcer." It's just cooler.|如果你要帮我取绰号,我比较喜欢 "罗斯,离婚王",听起来较酷 | Look, I know my marriages didn't ...

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plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis