英语人>网络解释>失去的 相关的搜索结果


与 失去的 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You probably miss out on your


within a few days.短短几天. | You probably miss out on your你可能就失去了你 | chance then.当时的机会.

防不胜防 off/on one's guard失去/保持警惕

She caught me off guard

Make one's bed自作自受 | 88. your panties oughta burst into flames any minute now. 你的内裤应该几分钟内就燃烧成灰烬了 | 89. She caught me off guard!防不胜防 off/on one's guard失去/保持警惕

Their stern oppressor pleased appears awhile


I hear their fulsome clamours echoed loud; 但君王不过是尘土... | Their stern oppressor pleased appears awhile, 一切人都平等,帝王将失去权力, | But April's sunshine is a Monarch's smile-- 他们手中的王笏将...

out of action

失去作用; 损坏; 有故障

line of action [物]作用线; [喻]活动的形式[方针] | out of action 失去作用; 损坏; 有故障 | put into action 实行, 实施; 开动; 使开始工作

put out of action

使失去战斗力; 击伤, 击毁; 消灭

set in action 实行, 实施; 开动; 使开始工作 | put out of action 使失去战斗力; 击伤, 击毁; 消灭 | rear guard action 后卫战; 维持现状或维护旧制度的努力

spiral out of control


detrimental 有害的 | spiral out of control 情况恶化而失去控制 | agitated 激动地

you've been out of contact for hours


Bet you were pretties yesterday打赌你昨天更好看 | You've been out of contact for hours 你已经失去联系好几个小时了 | A well-stocked candy dish makes them feel popular精致的糖果盒会使它们受到欢迎

out of touch with sb


out of the ordinary 不寻常的; | out of touch with sb 失去联系; | out of question 毫无疑问

out of touch


out of the question不可能 | out of touch与...失去联系 | I am out of touch with the present situation.我对目前的形势不甚了解.

out of trim


out of the plan price 计划外价格 | out of the way 偏僻的 | out of trim 失去平衡

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tape certifier:磁带保证书

磁带认证 tape certification | 磁带保证书 tape certifier | 带通道 tape channel


dust-freeworkshop 无尘车间 | dust-laden 充满尘埃的 | dust-ladenair 有尘空气

Space Chimps:猩戰前傳 動作遊戲

Sonic: Unleashed索尼克:能量釋放 動作冒險遊戲 | Space Chimps猩戰前傳 動作遊戲 | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage 聖魔戰記3 無罪的狂熱 策略模擬遊戲