英语人>网络解释>多少... 相关的搜索结果


与 多少... 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How much does the book cost


我的父亲是个医生 My father is a doctor. | 这本书多少钱? How much does the book cost | 他是工程师 He is an engineer.

How much does the book he schoolbag cost


46. How long will it take me to get to the station? 到车站要多长时间? | 47. How much does the book\\the schoolbag cost? 这本书(书包)多少钱? | 48. I can't believe it. 我简直不敢相信.

Y cuanto me va costar


How do you know what's best for me? [你怎么知道什么对我最好?] | Y cuanto me va costar? [要花多少?] | Okay,muchas gracias. [好 很感谢]

how many people they cremate out there


Do you all know about out in California...|你知道在加州... | how many people they cremate out there?|多少人选择火葬吗? | - Get out! - I'm not kidding you.|- 少来! - 我说真的

Hands Dealt


Hands Dealt :是一共玩了多少手牌,还是参与POT的手数? | Hands Raked:是获得抽水的手数吗? | Total Rake:现金桌抽水

Slightly demure would be ideal


身心都健康的一般人就行 Just a sane ,healthy woman | 要是多少还有点婉约,那就更靠谱了 Slightly demure would be ideal | 心眼别太多 Don't be too complicated

How Much Is That Dogie


32. How Do You Do? 你好吗? | 33. How Much Is That Dogie? 那只小狗多少钱? | 34. Humpty-Dumpty 矮胖子

cq : Equatorial Guinea


co : Colombia , 哥伦比亚 | cq : Equatorial Guinea , 赤道多少内亚 | cr : Costa Rica , 哥斯达黎加

nearly every day


29.turen off 关上 | 30.nearly every day 多少乎每一天 | 31.all kinds of各种各样


我问:"多少钱?"他回答说:"五十. "我又说:"五十?你是在开玩笑吧

to say 说 V speech infor... | I asked 'How much?' and he goes, 'Fifty.' and I go, 'Fifty? You must be joking!' 我问:"多少钱?"他回答说:"五十. "我又说:"五十?你是在开玩笑吧!" | to start an activity 开始(活...

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normal sequence of operation:正常动作程序

normal sensitivity 標準感度 | normal sequence of operation 正常动作程序 | normal sequence space 正规序列空间

calendar month:月的样式

.calendar-year - 年的样式. | .calendar-month - 月的样式. | .calendar-weekday-cell - 星期的样式.


lather /肥皂泡/ | lathery /肥皂泡的/充满泡沫的/ | lathhouse /板条房屋/