英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs? 为什么鸡会下蛋?Pour que les oeufs fassent des | poules. 因为蛋都会变成小鸡. | Pourquoi les amoureux s'embrassent? 为什么情侣们要亲吻?

Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs


Le Papillon为什么鸡会下蛋? | Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs?因为蛋都变成小鸡 | Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules.为什么情侣要亲吻?

when some Japanese peoples kept him in a cage above piranhas

因为日本人把他关在笼子里 而笼子下面是食人鱼

They got chew'd'ed off in World War II|他的腿... | when some Japanese peoples kept him in a cage above piranhas.|因为日本人把他关在笼子里 而笼子下面是食人鱼 | Piranhas are goldfish that have teeth.|食人...

because the permed German next to me was snoring like a Messerschmitt

因为坐我旁边的那个德国佬 打鼾声好像梅式战机

-Didn't you sleep on the plane? -No...|你... | because the permed German next to me was snoring like a Messerschmitt.|因为坐我旁边的那个德国佬 打鼾声好像梅式战机 | -What's the time? -About midnight.|现在...

These pacifists. They say they won't fight on conscience

那些和平主义者 他们说不会因为良心而打仗

His family had been Americans for over 500 yea... | These pacifists. They say they won't fight on conscience.|那些和平主义者 他们说不会因为良心而打仗 | Now, where would be if everybody decided to act|而...

Outcasts, condemned for our beliefs


For years shunned by society 被社会躲闪了多年的时光 | Outcasts, condemned for our beliefs 我们因为信仰被驱逐,被谴责 | Our legions grew in secrecy 我们的军团在秘密中成长

How do you do?|I'm here for the oddest reason


- This is my opponent, Larry Berlson.|- Oh! Mr Sullivan. Mr Berlson.|- 这是我的对手... | How do you do?|I'm here for the oddest reason.|你好|我因为一个很奇怪的原因来这里 | - We all are.|- Here you are.|...

because it was never a well-decorated room


There wasn't a lot of detail in this room,|这间房没有... | because it was never a well-decorated room.|因为它从未不是装饰精美的房间 | The bar at one end that still had the little tap there.|一端的酒吧还...

I won the war in my head


That's what the wise lady said! 那就是智慧女神的教诲! | "I came from nothing, here I am!"我曾微不足道,如今却在这里 | I won the war in my head!"因为我赢得了头脑中的战争!"

Five of us brought in on a trumped-up charge


And that was how it started:|事情就是这么开始的: | Five of us brought in on a trumped-up charge...|我们五个因为莫须有的罪名 | ...to be leaned on by half-wits.|...被这些低能儿关了进来

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest