英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CUZ Because


CUL See you later(待会见) | CUZ Because(因为) | CW Continuous wave(连续波)

cuz girl


and i should never let it slip away 我从来不应该让这些美好的东西远离我 | cuz girl 因为女孩 | (chorus) seeing you shine by the candle light 看着温柔的烛光环绕着你的脸,散发着光芒



Harder,faster,better,stronger/更猛,更快,更好,更强 | Sexyladiesextralonger,cuz/性感美女效力更长因为 | Wegotthebeatthatbounce/我们有跳跃的节奏

probably because they had the dirtiest job


from the rest of the crew,|区别开来 | probably because they had the dirtiest job.|或许因为他们于的是最脏的工作 | So their quarters are in the tip of the bow.|所以他们的住处在船首的顶部

Pour tous ces mots que tu m'as dits


11.Je t'aime (我爱你) | Pour tous ces mots que tu m'as dits 因为你对我说过的所有的话 | Sans jamais oser me les lire 从未对我说谎

Because you were sneezing profusely into my eardrums


No.|不 | Because you were sneezing profusely into my eardrums|因为在这项费用发生的时候 | about the time the charge was made.|你正对我的耳朵打喷嚏呢

shouldn't be threatened because of my failings


Vince, the realization of your life story...|文斯,你的生... | ...shouldn't be threatened because of my failings.|不该因为我犯的错而受到影响 | Please let me continue to work with you again.|请让我继续采...

Nah nevermind cause these fakers don't even matter

好了 也没关系 因为这些傻逼根本不是问题

For jackin the texas swagger famous hand me the dagger你教训了那些... | Nah nevermind cause these fakers don't even matter好了 也没关系 因为这些傻逼根本不是问题 | Mixtape messiah 4 august 27th mixtape也...

Because he has a rich uncle cuddy's trying to avoid fellating


Why is he here instead of the va?|他怎么来这... | Because he has a rich uncle cuddy's trying to avoid fellating|因为Cuddy不想给他的有钱老舅口交 | who doesn't buy the va's diagnosis of "nothing's wronga...

I fell on a fence post when I was ten

因为我十岁的时候倒在篱笆上 弄破了我的处女膜

- Then I lost my virginity at ten. - Really?|我在十岁就... | 'Cause, see, I fell on a fence post when I was ten, and it broke my hymen.|因为我十岁的时候倒在篱笆上 弄破了我的处女膜 | Okay. Second revisio...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest