英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which is good, 'cause the amount he whacks off, he'll be blind within a year

好的是, 因为他差不多傻了, 他将会瞎一年

He's downgraded his shoplifting ... | Which is good, 'cause the amount he whacks off, he'll be blind within a year.|好的是, 因为他差不多傻了, 他将会瞎一年. | And my girl Bridget, yo, her days of five g...

I whooped a thief cuz he was going through my stuff


(289)You're losing me.我糊涂了. | I whooped a thief cuz he was going through my stuff.我教训了一个小偷,因为他在翻我的东西. | whoop n.大叫, 呐喊, 喘息声, 哮喘声, 小块

The wildebeests have gone mad. - Cloak

因为那些牛羚疯了...噢 ! 斗篷 怎么

- That's classified. - Top-secret.|这是机... | - The wildebeests have gone mad. - Cloak.|因为那些牛羚疯了...噢 ! 斗篷 怎么? | It's not like I told them our plan is to use them to defeat Kazar's...|我又没...

because they always get really|drunk and need wrangling


I was going to put you with|Cookie Puss and the Chicago cousins|我把你和Cookie ... | because they always get really|drunk and need wrangling.|因为他们总是喝醉,需要争吵 | Well, can someone|else do it?|还...

because you yanked them closed


What if these are stuck closed|这扇窗帘紧闭着 | because you yanked them closed?|因为是你把它们拉起来的 | Which would mean...|也就是说...

cause he's zapped, man. - You scared

因为他被打了 兄弟 - 你害怕了

Well, he doesn't get the job done, you know, I mean,|呃 他没完成心愿... | - 'cause he's zapped, man. - You scared?|- 因为他被打了 兄弟 - 你害怕了? | Well, scared? Scared of your ugly face.|什么 害怕? 我...

Because of the zeroes on the board


The house always wins in the long run.|庄家总归是最后的赢家 | Because of the zeroes on the board,|因为板上的零 | every bet is slightly favoured towards the house.|每个注都稍有利于庄家

my grandfather went to Taiwan with the Nationalists


然后,后来 Later on | 我爷爷就因为大陆沦陷my grandfather went to Taiwan with the Nationalists. | 就跟着国军撤退去台湾after the Mainland had fallen.

Happy Because Shortcomings


Love Is Just A Thread爱只是一根线 | Happy Because Shortcomings因为缺点而幸福 | The Remembrance Of Lilacs 紫丁香的回忆

because of the air bags. - Your chest, right

因为那些气囊 你的胸口,对不对

If we take yours, I'll buy gas, or I'll sit in the back in mine...|如果用你的车,我来买汽油 或者,用我的,我坐... | ...because of the air bags. - Your chest, right?|因为那些气囊 你的胸口,对不对? | Yeah.|对

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest