英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

strain neck, shoulders and upper arms from stacking reams of Xerox paper


sprained ankle and back 脚... | strain neck, shoulders and upper arms from stacking reams of Xerox paper 因为搬动大量复印纸而扭伤脖子、肩膀及上臂 | slam fingers in file drawer--- result in broken fingers...

because the painter repented


That is called pentimento... | 那叫做 pentimento . . . | because the painter repented... | 因为画家后悔. . . | changed his mind. | 改变他的想法.

No, it's never been revealed to the public that the killer retrieves his slugs

不可能,因为凶手取走弹头的这个细节 从未向公众公开过

Could be the work of a cop... | No, it's never been revealed to the public that the killer retrieves his slugs.|不可能,因为凶手取走弹头的这个细节 从未向公众公开过 | Jesus. I was hoping this guy was eit...

Scalloped Selvedge

脱边 布边在拉幅时,有时布边会因为没有吃上边或没有吃好而脱离针链

跳纱 布底含针钩不住纱,浮在布底上,形成一段浮线 Float | 脱边 布边在拉幅时,有时布边会因为没有吃上边或没有吃好而脱离针链. Scalloped Selvedge | 脱布 开幅线不齐或布边破损或严重变形,影响门幅. Press Off

Because he screamed


And ana for lupus.|抗核抗体查狼疮 | Because he screamed?|就因为他尖叫? | could also be an environmental reaction.|可能是环境应激反应

Cause all you do seduces me


And all that is you becomes part of me too 你的所有也变成我的一部分 | 'Cause all you do seduces me 因为你的所有都使我迷恋 | And if I should die tomorrow 如果我明天将会死去

For shirking his part in the Patriot game


为此还要大大地怪罪德-瓦雷拉 But still De Valera is grea... | 因为他逃避了他在爱国游戏中的责任 For shirking his part in the Patriot game. | 他们告诉我康诺利是怎样遇害的 They told me how Connolly was sho...

For your rain sizzles it down


Put out my raging fire, 熄灭我心头愤怒的火焰吧 | For your rain sizzles it down. 因为你的甘露咝的一声将它浇熄 | Everything you do is my everything. 你所做的一切就是我的一切

For your rain sizzles it down


Put out my raging fire, 熄灭我愤怒的火焰, | For your rain sizzles it down. 因为你的雨水将它浇灭. | Everything you do is my everything. 你所做的一切就是我的一切.

For your rain sizzles it down


Put out my raging fire, 熄灭我心头愤怒的火焰吧 | For your rain sizzles it down. 因为你的甘霖咝地一声将它浇熄 | Everything you do is my everything. 你所做的一切就是我的一切

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest