英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The boss fired him because he couldn't cut the mustard


MUSTARD 芥末 | The boss fired him because he couldn't cut the mustard. 因为他的工作不得力,老板辞了他. | NOODLE 面条

People piss on them


- You know why? - why?|- 知道为什么吗? - 为什么? | People piss on them.|因为人们在车上撒尿 | You know, one of you bros could've come up and sat up with me.|你们兄弟俩可以来一个和我坐一起

for no other reason than that


gulf stream front [海]湾流锋 | for no other reason than that 只是因为 | road octane number 行车辛烷值

Cause ladies screams keep creepin in Shady's dreams


Eh-heh, know why I say these things? 呵呵... | Cause ladies screams keep creepin in Shady's dreams. 因为女士们,在Shady的梦里尖叫声仍在蔓延 | And the way things seem, I shouldn't have to pay these shrink...

Cause lady's screams keep creepin in Shady's dreams


Eh-heh, know why I say these things? 呵呵... | Cause lady's screams keep creepin in Shady's dreams 因为女士们,在Shady的梦里尖叫声仍在蔓延 | And the way things seem, I shouldn't have to pay these shrinks...

He's--he had to go home sick

他 嗯 他因为生病回家了

- We have several theories. - What does dr. House think?|我们有若干... | He's--he had to go home sick.|他 嗯 他因为生病回家了 | My daughter may be dying, and he's gone homewith the sniffles?|我的女儿也...

As soon as possible" is not a specific time

尽快"不是一个确切的时间. 这句偶经常对老外说,因为样品来不及做噢

Verse 20. 第20行. | "As soon as possible" is not a specific time. "尽快"不是一个确切的时间. 这句偶经常对老外说,因为样品来不及做噢~~~ | It's for your own good. 这是为你好.

Because that was entertaining,|in a horrifying sort of way


- I'm in?|- Yeah, you're in.|- 我加入了?|- 是的 要你了 | Because that was entertaining,|in a horrifying sort of way.|因为你刚刚的表现真是让人开心|可怕得让人开心 | Right on, dude.|太好了 伙计

take ten years to exhaust all appeals


- What stood out for me was that most death penalty cases 而Lincoln... | - take ten years to exhaust all appeals. 所以因为他的案子审理的如此顺利 | - Lincoln got there in three. 必定是受到某种政治因素的...

Because the thing is


Well, I kind of have to.|我不忘记也不行 | Because the thing is...|因为事实是... | The thing is, you know, that you're married to Emily.|事实就是你已经娶了艾蜜莉

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest