英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

which is all, ooh, very unseemly for a C.E.O

因为这样,对一个总裁来说 是很不体面的

- I don't understand how that- - You're a high-powered bulimi... | which is all, ooh, very unseemly for a C.E.O.|因为这样,对一个总裁来说 是很不体面的 | So, you found a common antidote to accidental poi...

beacuse they made me break the unwisdom


感激教育我的人, Thanks for the person who taught me, | 因为他们开化我的蒙昧. beacuse they made me break the unwisdom. | 感激钟爱我的人, Thanks for the person who loved me,

Hands Up In the Air


Walk around with your 高举双手 昂首向前 | Hands up in the air 就是因为你 | Like you don't care 你不会在乎

Well they're all used-up has-beens

就算是吧. 因为她们也曾经历这些

That I'm to blame我千错万错 | Well they're all used-up has-beens就算是吧. 因为她们也曾经历这些 | Out of the game 但现在她们都置身事外

Her grandfather, an old vaudevillian, taught her


and she knew a zillion old jokes|她也很会说笑话 | Her grandfather, an old vaudevillian, taught her|因为她爷爷会脱口秀 | You know any of them old jokes?|你现在还记得吗?

because I have a vested interest in your house burning down

因为一旦你房子被烧毁 我就受益了

prohibiting me from taking out a fire insurance p... | because I have a vested interest in your house burning down.|因为一旦你房子被烧毁 我就受益了 | Since Attorney Myers had been researching this for ...

Yeah, because the washerman

嗯 因为洗衣工

He then, it was peer pressure, later with the washerman...|他只是受到了同龄人的压力 就是... | Yeah, because the washerman...|嗯 因为洗衣工... | He was convinced, it wasn't like he doubted her.|他信了 不...

I wish myself a bit of waterweed

我希望,我希望. 因为我知道

"In bright reflection."康桥如此真实地凌驾于思想与艺术甚至还有人之上,不知道是神圣还是... | "I wish myself a bit of waterweed" 我希望,我希望. 因为我知道: | "Vibrating to the ripple. "再美的梦也会有醒来的一...

Since when down wave comes


所以不要忧伤 So do not be sad | 因为潮落的时候 Since when down wave comes | 就有对潮起的渴望 You will be longing for the up



deshalb adv,cj 因此,所以; sich tat es nur | deshalb,weil... 我之所以干这事,只是因为... | desinfizieren vt 消毒,杀菌

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest