英语人>网络解释>因为 相关的搜索结果


与 因为 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I pray

有一群海员 我祈祷转过身时看见的是水手 因为她的话很不可靠

Ladies, seamen, ... | I pray, when I turn around, there are sailors. Because with her, you never know.|有一群海员 我祈祷转过身时看见的是水手 因为她的话很不可靠 | Wow! We have just spotted our first sai...

Well, nobody ever went to prison painting a house


You having any fun? Any money? Big future, huh?|你过... | Well, nobody ever went to prison painting a house.|但没人因为粉刷房子而锒铛入狱 | You're not gonna go away. It's not cans and film and|你这次不会...

Oh,Ma'am. Profanity is superfluous because no verbal affront

大姐 亵渎是多余的 因为您的不满意

Are you gay? Or are you just an asshole?|你是... | Oh,Ma'am. Profanity is superfluous because no verbal affront...|大姐 亵渎是多余的 因为您的不满意... | ... could be as devastating to me as your dissati...

punish sb for


put into use 投入使用 | punish sb.for 因为......而惩罚 | put an end to 终止;结束

He was put in prison for theft


He was put in prison for theft.他因为偷窃被关进监狱. | When she discovered the theft of her bag, she went to the police.当她发现钱包被偷时,她报告了警... | Where is the Japanese Embassy?日本大使馆在哪儿...

He is put in prison for theft


11. The food is so bad that I don't feel like eating. 这食物那么差... | 12. He is put in prison for theft. 因为偷盗他被关进了监狱. | 13. God will take care of you if you are helpful. 如果你乐于助人,神...

[ Radio Announcer ] And so the draft will begin tomorrow


La Resistance.|抵抗(法语... | [ Radio Announcer ] And so the draft will begin tomorrow...|因为侵入加拿大需要越来越多的军队 | as more and more troops are needed to invade the Canadian border.|草案将在明...

Reason For Rainbows


09.If I could tell you 如果我能告诉你 | 10.In your eyes 在你的眼里 | 11.Reason for rainbows 因为彩虹

for he shall be a healer and a renewer


and his chief renown|还有他主要的荣耀 | for he shall be a healer and a renewer.|因为他会是一个善于进行治愈和革新的人 | Behold Aragorn,|快看Aragorn

for reportedly kidnapping his wife


"A London man has been sentenced to 20 months in jail|一个伦敦男人被判入狱2... | "for reportedly kidnapping his wife|因为他威胁妻子 | "to stop her from having surgery to enlarge her breasts.|不准她做隆...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest