英语人>网络解释>只需要 相关的搜索结果


与 只需要 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A cat needs a clean litter box

(一只猫需要一个干净的垃圾盒子. )

A cat ? A cat needs food and water. (一只猫?一只猫需要食物和水. ) | A cat needs a clean litter box. (一只猫需要一个干净的垃圾盒子. ) | A cat needs to be petted. (一只猫需要被爱抚. )

--Mother Theresa


如果我们不是去问别人,而是问我们自己,那我们会知道多少?这难道不奇怪吗... | 如果你给与的不是你需要的,这算不上给与. --Mother Theresa | 我们总能获得希望. 当我们失败了,我们只需要深吸一口气,希望就会重新出现. ...

and some few to be chewed and


others to be swallowed, 有些书可供吞咽, | and some few to be chewed and 而有少数的书则需要咀嚼和消化; | disgested; that is, some books 换言之,有些书只需要择其部分

A cat needs to be petted

(一只猫需要被爱抚. )

A cat needs a clean litter box. (一只猫需要一个干净的垃圾盒子. ) | A cat needs to be petted. (一只猫需要被爱抚. ) | A dog ? A dog needs food and water. (一只狗?一只狗需要食物和水. )

A dog needs to b,,e petted

(一只狗需要被爱抚. )

A dog needs baths. (一只狗需要洗澡. ) | A dog needs to b,,e petted. (一只狗需要被爱抚. ) | A dog needs room to run and play. (一只狗需要空间去跑和玩. )

I just need to get out of psych ward to set things up

我只需要离开精神病区,做点准备 )

That's how we'll get out. ( 我们就将这样出去 ) | I just need to get out of psych ward to set things up. ( 我只需要离开精神病区,做点准备 ) | Three days after I'm gone, ( 三天后,我就走了 )

A bird ? A bird needs food and water

(一只鸟?一只鸟需要食物和水. )

A hamster ? A hamster needs food and water. (一只仓鼠?一只仓鼠需要食物和水.... | A bird ? A bird needs food and water. (一只鸟?一只鸟需要食物和水. ) | A bird needs a clean cage. (一只鸟需要干净的笼子. ...

We've got pretty good foxholes. We just need to fortify the covers


No, it's our job to hold the line ... | We've got pretty good foxholes. We just need to fortify the covers.|我们已经有挖好的散兵坑,只需要再加强掩体 | If they've got us targeted, maybe... We hold the li...

Fear and self-blame are needless


有一样的感动 deserve the same moving | 不需要自怨自艾的惶恐 Fear and self-blame are needless | 只需要沉着 只要向前冲 Calm and sprint are enough

Keep it on the flame, Ron. This is just a minute steak

让它在炉上热着 这件事只需要一分钟就解决

Now, listen, Rocky, your steak's coming right up.|听我说,你的牛排马上好 | Keep it on the flame, Ron. This is just a minute steak.|让它在炉上热着 这件事只需要一分钟就解决 | After you.|你先请

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perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,