英语人>网络解释>保持清醒 相关的搜索结果


与 保持清醒 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

remain level-headed


有利条件和积极因素 favorable conditions and positive factors | 保持清醒头脑 remain level-headed | 把困难考虑得充分一些 take into consideration all possible difficulties that we may encounter

so I,I got these drugs that kept me on an even keel

所以我 我吃了一些药片来保持清醒 )

and I couldn't get rid of them... | so I,I got these drugs that kept me on an even keel. ( 所以我 我吃了一些药片来保持清醒 ) | And then when I got to sona,I couldn't get my pills,so I had to... ( 可是我...



奥斯卡颁奖礼: the Oscars awards ceremony | 保持清醒头脑: sobering | 电影艺术: cinematography

stay awake


come out 出场 | stay awake 保持清醒 | word of advice 给你一个建议

Can you stay awake


4 Need coffee? 喝点咖啡吗? | 5 Can you stay awake? 你能保持清醒吗? | 6 Thinking clearly? 脑子清楚吗?

remain sober-minded


19.社会主要矛盾 Society's principal contradiction | 21.保持清醒的头脑 remain sober-minded | 22.党的基本路线 Party's basic line

remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential


保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national ec... | 保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential | 保护价格 protective pri...

remain sober-minded, become more aware of po


包车 to charter a vehicle (bus, train car, etc.); ... | 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growt... | 保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more aware of po

to live in the present moment, engaging our awarenss


to find joy in every day, acknowledging simple pleasures ... | to live in the present moment, engaging our awarenss 活在当下,并保持清醒的头脑 | to count the blessings in life, believing abundance aboun...

To live in the present moment,engaging your awareness


To find joy in every day,acknowledging simple pleasures,... | To live in the present moment,engaging your awareness,活在当下,并保持清醒的头脑, | To count the blessings in life,beliveing abundance aboun...

第1/3页 1 2 3 > 尾页

spring pin:弹簧销

spring mechanism 弹簧机构 | spring pin 弹簧销 | spring plate 簧片

hypnoanalysis:催眠分析 催眠精神分析

hypnal 氯醛安替比林 | hypnoanalysis 催眠分析 催眠精神分析 | hypnocinematograph 睡眠动作描记器


military sources 军方人士 | observers 观察家 | official官员