英语人>网络解释>九十 相关的搜索结果


与 九十 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An old man turned ninety-eight


Ironic 讽刺 | An old man turned ninety-eight 一个老头活到九十八岁 | He won the lottery and died the next day 中了彩票第二天就死了

Ninety-eight hot saves. Highest on the force


Have you ever rescued anyone from a burning building?|你从燃烧的大楼里救过人... | Ninety-eight hot saves. Highest on the force.|九十八次,队上第一高 | Fire safety is not a joke, son.|孩子,不能拿火灾开玩...

Ninety-Five Theses

九十五点 证

1967 Riots 1967 动 | Ninety-Five Theses 九十五点 证 | Nineveh 尼尼微

Ninety-Five Theses of Luther


Nihilism (虚无主义) | Ninety-Five Theses of Luther (路德九十五条) | Noel, Francis (卫方济)

Ninety-Five Theses of Luther


Nihilism虚无主义 | Ninety-Five Theses of Luther<<九十五条论纲>> | Nirvana涅槃

family portrait circa ninety-five


and the milk from the window lights, 窗口洒进来的阳光像牛奶一样 | family portrait circa ninety-five, 将近九十五年的家族画像 | this is that foreign land, 这就是那片异域他乡

The children of Gebbar, ninety-five


哈雄的子孙,二百二十三名; The children of Hasum, two hundred twenty-t... | 基巴尔的子孙,九十五名; The children of Gebbar, ninety-five. | 白冷人一百二十三名; The children of Bethlehem, a hundred twenty-t...

Ninety-one percent of shield in full sunlight

隔热屏在完全透光下 开启百分之九十一

Copy, Capa. Hurry.|了解,卡帕,动作快 | Ninety-one percent of shield in full sunlight.|隔热屏在完全透光下 开启百分之九十一 | Ninety-four percent of shield in full sunlight.|隔热屏在完全透光下开启 百分之...

Ninety-seven percent


If marriage worked, I'd be for it. Do you know the divorce rate?|如果结婚行得通,我绝对支持 但是你知道美国的离婚率吗? | Ninety-seven percent!|百分之九十七 | Wait a minute.|等一下

Ninety-seven percent of shield in full sunlight

隔热屏在完全透光下开启 百分之九十七

Captain, you must leave now. Captain?|舰长,快走... | Ninety-seven percent of shield in full sunlight.|隔热屏在完全透光下开启 百分之九十七 | Final panel closing. The shield is secure.|关闭最后一块隔热板...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest