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与 writing 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Writing free verse:写自由诗

I'm a free-thinker我是一个自由思想者 | Writing free verse写自由诗 | Wandering around the free house在卖各种啤酒的酒馆边游荡

writing from memory:默写

[摘要]我们要富有成效地学好英语必须经过三个步骤:理解(understanding)、背诵(reciting)和默写(writing from memory). 这种三步学习法是本人半个多世纪以来一直坚持使用的学习英语的好方法,尽管它不像"疯狂英语"和"逆向学习法"那样听起来时髦,

Graphomania ; Writing mania:书写癖

"甜幻味","Glycogeusia" | "书写癖","Graphomania; Writing mania" | "装相,作鬼脸","Grimace; Grimacery"

Heaton, J. B writing English Language Tests (New Edition):英语测试

Henning, G. A Guide to Language Testing: Development, Evaluation ad Researc... | Heaton, J. B writing English Language Tests (New Edition)英语测试 | Wood, R. Assessment and Testing: A Survey of Researc...

hieratic writing:僧侶文字(古埃及會侶用之簡略象形文字)

saturated 飽和的(元音) | hieratic writing 僧侶文字(古埃及會侶用之簡略象形文字) | Chuang T'ung language family 僮侗語族(屬漢藏語系)

hieroglyphic writing:象形文字

isobutyl cyanide 异丁基氰 异戊腈 | hieroglyphic writing 象形文字 | star chain 星形无线电信标链(由四个信标组成Y形, 主台在中心)

humorist n. a person who makes a jokes in speech or writing:[黑猫类似他]

mean a.小气的;吝啬的[愍] | humorist n. a person who makes a jokes in speech or writing[黑猫类似他] | cab n. 出租车[开步]

immortalize himself through writing:垂文

台岳eminent official | 垂文immortalize himself through writing | 莫若the best way to

He does some writing in his spare time:他有空时写些东西

It'll have to be done all over again. 这事将不得不重新做一遍. | He does some writing in his spare time. 他有空时写些东西. | She did lots of acting when she was at university. 她在大学时演过很多戏....

Aids in the process of writing:协助你写作

提纲的目的 Purpose of the Outline | *协助你写作 Aids in the process of writing | 过程 Process

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The Writing On The Wall
Writing On The Wall II
Writing On The Wall
Writing Her Ballad
Writing On The Wall
Writing On The Wall
Happy Home (Keep On Writing)
Writing On A Wall
Mother Nature's Writing
Intro (The Writing's On The Wall)

frequency response test:频率响应试验

frequency response characteristic 频率响应特性 | frequency response test 频率响应试验 | frequency response 频率响应


后来又发展成"汉堡加配菜",加上番茄片,洋葱(onion)片,酸黄瓜(pickled cucumber),还涂上黄油(butter)、番茄沙司(ketchup)、芥末(mustard)等. 这种食物通常在午餐或小吃时食用,因为其含有各种肉馅,不便拿在手中,一般都放在盘中,

ketone group:酮类

酮体 ketone bodies | 酮类 ketone group | 酮尿 ketonuria