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与 world-weariness 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in the First World War:在一战中

14. gave one's life to doing sth. 献身于...的工作 | 15. in the First World War 在一战中 | 16. He was from Canada. He is Canadian. 他来自加拿大,他是加拿大人.

Allies, during First World War:协约国 第一次世界大战期间

Alicante 阿利坎特 | Allies, during First World War 协约国 第一次世界大战期间 | Alma 阿尔马

A the First World War:第一次世界大战

1. What is Sunset Song mainly about?>主要说的是 | A the First World War第一次世界大战 | B the beauty of the sunset日落的美丽

First World culture:第一世界文化

financial sector 金融区域 | First World culture 第一世界文化 | flexible specialization 弹性专业化

First World Climate Conference:第一次世界气候会议

1979年第一次世界气候会议 (First World Climate Conference)首先承认全球因人类活动所造成气候变迁问题的严重性,特别是二氧化碳大量排放造成地球温暖化的问题,更是迫切需要解决.

The First World Hotel:杭州第一世界大旅店

天津京津新城凯悦旅店 Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort and Spa | 杭州第一世界大旅店 The First World Hotel | 厦门国际会展旅店 Xiamen International Seaside Hotel

The First World Hotel:超五星酒店 新加坡

The First World Hotel 超五星酒店 新加坡 | Petersberg Government Hotel 五星酒店 德国 | Castle Hotel Friedewald 五星酒店 德国

At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless:在旋转世界的静止之点,无色无空

But reconciled among the stars.但是於... | At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;在旋轉世界的靜止之點,無色無空; | Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the d...

At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless:在这个奔波的星球上永恒的一点,那里没有生也没有死

But reconciled among the stars.... | At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;在这个奔波的星球上永恒的一点,那里没有生也没有死. | Neither from nor towards; at the still poin...

fly over the mountain:飞越过山顶 all over the world 遍及世界

look at the colorful lights over your head 看你头上的彩灯 | fly over the mountain 飞越过山顶 all over the world 遍及世界 | over one hundred people 一百多人look after 照顾

第60/100页 首页 < ... 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ... > 尾页
Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
World In A World
Rich World / Poor World
The Most Beautiful World In The World
Old World New World
Woman Of The World (Leave My World Alone)
World Inside The World
Your World & My World


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的

take the size of:量...啲大小(尺寸)

单程票 single ticket | 量...啲大小(尺寸) take the size of | 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条 slip a note into one's hand

Regional conventions:区域*公约

危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport | 区域*公约 Regional conventions | 技术转让 Technology transfer