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与 word-painting 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

substantival word-group:體詞修飾語;體詞附加詞

substantive 體詞性詞組 | substantival word-group 體詞修飾語;體詞附加詞 | aspectual pair 體對偶;時式對偶

syncategorematic word:虚词

binary magnetic core 二进制磁心 | syncategorematic word 虚词 | asymptotic orbit 渐近轨道

syncategorematic word:元音溶合

synaloepha 徵候 | syncategorematic word 元音溶合 | synchonic description 共時的;斷代的;並時的

uncoded word:未编码字

未编码传输 uncoded transmission | 未编码字 uncoded word | 非收集性的账户 uncollectible account

Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear:你向敬畏你的人所應許的話、求你向僕人堅定

求你叫我轉眼不看虛假、又叫我在你的道中生活. Turn... | 你向敬畏你的人所應許的話、求你向僕人堅定. Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear. | 求你使我所怕的羞辱遠離我.因你的典章本為美...

Good morning. Do we like this word "annihilating:我们要用这个字吗,"种族灭绝

She's gone.|她消失了 她消失了 | Good morning. Do we like this word "annihilating"?|我们要用这个字吗,"种族灭绝"? | Good morning.|早安

Whats the good word:你有什么好消息

Whats the catch? 你这是什么意思? | Whats the good word? 你有什么好消息? | whats the matter 到底怎么样

Throw in a good word:美言

47. Break something to somebody 告诉某人某事 | 48. Throw in a good word 美言 | 49. Give somebody leave to do something 允许某人做某事

Keep up the good word:再接再厉

217.Keep the change. 不用找了. | 218.Keep up the good word. 再接再厉. | 219.Keep your fingers crossed. 为成功祈祷吧.

From the word go:从头到尾

. Home is where the heart is家是心之所在 | . From the word go 从头到尾; | . They help make it less of a dog´s life他们帮忙改善生活;

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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

taper flat file:锥形偏锉刀

taper file 圆锥锉 | taper flat file 锥形偏锉刀 | taper key 斜键,钩头楔键,推拔键


z-parameters z参数 | zap 删除 | ZBR 区域位记录法 Zone Bit Recording


时间间隔器 intervalometer | 通视条件图 intervisibility | 通视侧试 intervisibility test