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与 word-painting 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reduplicative word:重叠词(包括音义, 如英语 chit-chat)

hydromechanical 流体力学的 | reduplicative word 重叠词(包括音义, 如英语 chit-chat) | land land feet 外于危险境地中而幸免于难 逢凶化吉

reduplicative word:重疊詞

reduplicated distributive 重疊配分詞 | reduplicative word 重疊詞 | geminated consonant 重疊輔音;重疊子音

ricochet word:重叠词

重大突破/quantum jump;quantum leap | 重叠词/ricochet word | 重叠式/eclipsed form

Rub out the wrong word:把这个错字擦掉

Write up these notes at home. 在家里整理这些笔记. | Rub out the wrong word.把这个错字擦掉. | Wipe out / off the last letter. 擦去最后一个字母.

who had a good word for the Russian Revolution:他们对俄国革命一片好评

Public opinion was solidly against anyone|公开的观念... | who had a good word for the Russian Revolution.|他们对俄国革命一片好评 | But Louise was always communicating what she had experienced.|但路易丝是...

Thus saith God's word:最近读的书

最喜欢的作家Dorothy mason weymann | 最近读的书Thus saith God's word | 现在最喜欢的游戏Football

Boston Legal 221: Word Salad Days:波士顿法律 第二季21

Boston Legal 220: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 波士顿法律 第二季20 2004 | Boston Legal 221: Word Salad Days 波士顿法律 第二季21 2004 | Boston Legal 222: Ivan the Incorrigible 波士顿法律 第二季22 2004

Scale Down Word.ffx:单位缩小出屏

Let's Dance.ffx 躲闪 | Scale Down Word.ffx 单位缩小出屏 | Scale Down.ffx 整体缩小出屏

Scale Up Word.ffx:单位放大入屏

Scale Down.ffx 整体缩小出屏 | Scale Up Word.ffx 单位放大入屏 | Scale Up.ffx 整体放大入屏

scuttlebutt from the grapevine word on the street:小道消息

使某人无可抵赖take the wind out of one's sails | 小道消息scuttlebutt from the grapevine word on the street | 口没遮拦的人a loose cannon shoot off one's mouth spill the beans put one's foot in his mo...

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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

taper flat file:锥形偏锉刀

taper file 圆锥锉 | taper flat file 锥形偏锉刀 | taper key 斜键,钩头楔键,推拔键


z-parameters z参数 | zap 删除 | ZBR 区域位记录法 Zone Bit Recording


时间间隔器 intervalometer | 通视条件图 intervisibility | 通视侧试 intervisibility test