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与 word-painting 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

send word:捎信儿 转告

leave word 留言 | send word 捎信儿 转告 | multiply words 废话连篇

to send out word:传出话来

take sb.at his word相信某人的话,相信某人会守诺言 | a man of few words 寡言的人 | 40. to send out word传出话来

give one's word of honour:以名誉担保

give one's voice for 投票赞成 | give one's word of honour 以名誉担保 | give one's word 保证

Upon my word, I never heard of such a thing:真的,我从没有听说过这种事

7.upon one's word"敢保证,说实在话". | Upon my word, I never heard of such a thing. 真的,我从没有听说过这种事. | 8.with words"用语言,说着话"

Well,I think that word's been derogated in the media these days:这个词已经被当今媒体毁了 )

Do you think michael's a genius? ( 你认为M... | Well,I think that word's been derogated in the media these days, ( 这个词已经被当今媒体毁了 ) | but in the classic sense of the word,yes,I do. ( 不过以这...

You misspelledmispronounced the word:这个词你拼读错了

59 How do you spell\\pronounce this word?这个词怎么拼\\读... | 60 You misspelled\\mispronounced the word.这个词你拼\\读错了. | 61 Please pay more attention to your spelling\\pronunciation.请多注意拼写\\发音...

The most selfish one letter word:最自私的字

The most selfish one letter word 最自私的字......... | Avoid it (放下它). | The most satisfying two-letter word (最信賴的字).......

The most selfish one-letter word is "I". avoid it:最自私的一个字母的单词是"我". 避免它

The most common but most important words... | 1、The most selfish one-letter word is "I". avoid it.--最自私的一个字母的单词是"我". 避免它. | 2、The most satisfying two-letter word is "we". use it.--最令...

Word beginnings:词首

Appendices 附录 | 1 Word beginnings 词首 | 2 Word endings 词尾

WORD biPlanes:必须是

LONG biHeight; //位图的高度 | WORD biPlanes; //必须是1 | WORD biBitCount; //指出每一个像素要用的bit位.

第25/100页 首页 < ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... > 尾页
Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

taper flat file:锥形偏锉刀

taper file 圆锥锉 | taper flat file 锥形偏锉刀 | taper key 斜键,钩头楔键,推拔键


z-parameters z参数 | zap 删除 | ZBR 区域位记录法 Zone Bit Recording


时间间隔器 intervalometer | 通视条件图 intervisibility | 通视侧试 intervisibility test