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与 word-painter 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

word order:语序

汉语词与词之间的语法关系一般通过固定的语序(word order)来表示,如主语在前,谓语在后. 有时候利用主题,来强调目前讨论的话题. 此外,单复数标记部分,汉语只有在代名词才必须加上复数标记,如:我们;时态(aspect)或时制(tense)部分,

Adjective word order:形容词词序

Study Notes 学习要点 | Adjective word order 形容词词序 | Capitalization 大写

implicit word order:隐含字次序

"隐含变数","implicit variable" | "隐含字次序","implicit word order" | "隐含定址","implied addressing"

implicit word order:隐式字序

implicit variable 隐变量 | implicit word order 隐式字序 | implicitly defined array 隐定义阵列

free word order:自由詞序

free comment drill 自由評論練習 | free morph 自由詞 | free word order 自由詞序

word painting:歌词描绘

"木管乐器","Wood wind" | "歌词描绘","Word painting" | "腕力触键法","Wrist touch"

word painting:作品里所用词语的特色

unusual instruments罕见的乐器 | word painting作品里所用词语的特色. | Comments心得评价:

measure word for picture, painting, etc:幅

27. 装修 to fit up (a house, etc.) | 28. 幅 measure word for picture, painting, etc. | 29. 特别 particular; special

word picture:(尤指精彩或生动的)口头描述

the coast is clear: (非正式)危险已过 | word picture: (尤指精彩或生动的)口头描述 | hum-dinger: (俚)非同寻常的事物

Recognising the correct word picture:辨别词语的正确拼写形式

42.Recognising spelling mistakes检查拼写的错误 | 43.Recognising the correct word picture辨别词语的正确拼写形式 | 44.Recognising words with a different appearance辨别单词的不同字体

第72/100页 首页 < ... 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ... > 尾页
Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

taper flat file:锥形偏锉刀

taper file 圆锥锉 | taper flat file 锥形偏锉刀 | taper key 斜键,钩头楔键,推拔键


z-parameters z参数 | zap 删除 | ZBR 区域位记录法 Zone Bit Recording


时间间隔器 intervalometer | 通视条件图 intervisibility | 通视侧试 intervisibility test