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与 word-painter 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

source program word:源程序语

source program 源程序 | source program word 源程序语 | source region 源区

source program word:源程序字

source program variable 源程序变量 | source program word 源程序字 | source programming 源程序设计

a spate of word:语无伦次,废话连篇

a cut-up 胡闹者 | a spate of word 语无伦次,废话连篇 | a square peg in a round hole 不称职的人

steer clear of the word:好好驾驭这个词,暗指不要乱用

preferred 首选的 | steer clear of the word 好好驾驭这个词,暗指不要乱用 | shell 在此指自尊

Any word on the interrogation? - No, the kid's still stonewalling:侦讯有新消息吗? -没有,那小子还在反抗 )

Then I guess this is where we part ways. ... | - Any word on the interrogation? - No, the kid's still stonewalling. ( -侦讯有新消息吗? -没有,那小子还在反抗 ) | But we've got confirmation on Patoshik. (...

Your word suprise me:我很惊讶

..murders of inocents, especially women.|谋杀了无数无辜的人,尤其是女人 | Your word suprise me.|我很惊讶 | Are you defending the witches, Countess?|您是在袒护女巫吗?


8:肚量大一点--MORE CONSIDERATE | 9: 嘴巴甜一点-- WORD SWEETER | 10:笑容露一点--MORE SMILE

syndetic word:連接代(名)詞

syndetic pronoun 連接的;連結的 | syndetic word 連接代(名)詞 | syndeton 連接詞

taboo word:禁忌語

历史上,脏话曾经是禁忌语(taboo word),是不可接受的字眼(unaccepted term). 有些原来被认为是脏话的词语现在随着社会世俗化(secularity)的加深不再那么受限制. 而涉及种族或民族的(ethnic)粗话(epithet)却越来越被认为是仇恨言论(hate speech),

taboo word:禁忌词

syntax句法 | taboo word禁忌词 | target language目标语

第65/100页 首页 < ... 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ... > 尾页
Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

taper flat file:锥形偏锉刀

taper file 圆锥锉 | taper flat file 锥形偏锉刀 | taper key 斜键,钩头楔键,推拔键


z-parameters z参数 | zap 删除 | ZBR 区域位记录法 Zone Bit Recording


时间间隔器 intervalometer | 通视条件图 intervisibility | 通视侧试 intervisibility test