英语人>网络解释>wish 相关的网络解释
与 wish 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hold memory close at hand:把记忆捧在手心

How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind; 我真希望,希望能跨过心灵的门坎; | Hold memory close at hand, 把记忆捧在手心; | Help me understand the years. 理解岁月的流逝;

Hold memory close at hand:将回忆紧握在手

How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind; 多么希望我能够 穿过我精神的大门 | Hold memory close at hand, 将回忆紧握在手 | Help me understand the years. 帮助我理解过去的这些年

Hold memory close at hand:帮我读懂这尘世间的岁月

through the doors of my mind 把记忆紧握在手上 | Hold memory close at hand 帮我读懂这尘世间的岁月 | How I wish I could choose between 多希望自己可以在天堂

come down from your dearest face:沾濡上最亲爱的那张脸庞

不愿 让泪水 don't wish your tears | 沾濡上最亲爱的那张脸庞 come down from your dearest face | 于是 在这黑暗的时刻 Thus, in this darkness

Comic Party:<漫画同人志>

Cafe Little Wish--似乎没有翻译...... | Comic Party--> | D.C.P.C-->

That's right. Your coming-out is about to get real graphic:没错,你的出柜将会是图文并茂了

and a stack of gay porn.|和一叠的同志色情照片 | That's right. Your coming-out is about to get real graphic!|没错,你的出柜将会是图文并茂了! | God, I wish Mike were here.|天啊,我真希望麦克在这里

congratulate sb on:因......祝贺某人

祝你万事如意. I wish you every success in the future. | 因......祝贺某人 congratulate sb. on ... | 取得进步 make progress

How convenient for you:你倒说得轻松

9 We could make a life together. 我们可一起生活. | 10 How convenient for you. 你倒说得轻松. | 11 I wish you both all the best. 我真心祝福你们两人.

If you can't escape on a paper crane, then fly to the stars:當千紙鶴難以伴你飛 就擲向星光

*很危險 下秒將 地老天荒 Dangerous! Next second comes th... | 當千紙鶴難以伴你飛 就擲向星光 If you can't escape on a paper crane, then fly to the stars | 只想可跟你同住天幕裡 How I wish to live with you...


大部分人需要的东西包括:林肯曾在写信时提到:"人人都喜欢受人称赞. "威廉.詹姆斯也说:"人类本质中最殷切的需求是:渴望被肯定. "他不用"希望"(wish)、"需要"(desire)或是"盼望"(longing)等字眼,而用的是"渴望"(craving)这个字.

第32/96页 首页 < ... 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ... > 尾页
I Wish It Would Rain
Wish You Were Here
I Wish It Was You
I Wish Tonight Could Last Forever
I Wish I Cared
I Wish I Could Back Up
Do You Wish It Was Me
As You Wish
Wish For Is You
I Wish, I Wish

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest