英语人>网络解释>wine 相关的网络解释
与 wine 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to sweat profusely:汗如雨下

永垂不朽to be remember forever by posterity. | 汗如雨下to sweat profusely. | 沉湎酒色to over-indulge oneself in wine and women.

under proof spirit:不及格酒精; 分歧尺度的酒精

surgical spirit酒精; | under proof spirit不及格酒精; 分歧尺度的酒精; | wine spirit葡萄(汁发酵)蒸馏酒;

podded propulsor:吊舱式推进器

食用油:Edible | 吊舱式推进器:Podded propulsor | 食用酒:edible wine

Who will pay Proserpina and Pluto for my keep:谁能为我向地狱女神跟冥王献上祭品

And so we are,but who will honor my name when I am gone?|我们很可能会死掉... | Who will pay Proserpina and Pluto for my keep?|谁能为我向地狱女神跟冥王献上祭品? | Who will pour wine upon my grave?|谁会为...

Mandarin Duck Playing Pterosaur:鸳鸯戏飞龙

花椒嫩醉鸡 Braised Chicken with Xanthoxylum Seeds and Wine | 鸳鸯戏飞龙 Mandarin Duck Playing Pterosaur | 熘肥肠 Quick-Fried Fat Intestines

Punch Bowl:宾治盆

01d Fashioned Glass 古典酒杯 、阔口矮杯 | Punch Bowl 宾治盆 | Red Wine Glass 红葡萄酒杯

purple, violet:紫色

wine red 葡萄酒红 | purple, violet 紫色 | lavender 淡紫色

purple, violet:紫色 lavender 淡紫色

wine red 葡萄酒红 | purple, violet 紫色 lavender 淡紫色 | lilac 浅紫色

purplish pink:紫粉红

purplish Rose 紫玫瑰色 | purplish pink 紫粉红 | raspberry Wine red 葡萄酒色

purplish pink:紫粉红 紫粉红

purplish Rose 紫玫瑰色 紫玫瑰色 | purplish pink 紫粉红 紫粉红 | raspberry Wine red 葡萄酒色 葡萄酒色

第89/100页 首页 < ... 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 ... > 尾页
Strawberry Wine
Cheap Wine & Cheaper Women
Cooking Wine
Wine Me Up
Bad Wine And Lemon Cake
So Much Wine, Merry Christmas
Days Of Wine And Roses
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
Jook Gal (Wine, Wine)
Wine Baby Wine


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的

take the size of:量...啲大小(尺寸)

单程票 single ticket | 量...啲大小(尺寸) take the size of | 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条 slip a note into one's hand

Regional conventions:区域*公约

危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport | 区域*公约 Regional conventions | 技术转让 Technology transfer