英语人>网络解释>wine 相关的网络解释
与 wine 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wine and dine sb:招待某人大吃大喝,用好吃好喝款待某人

ways and means方法,手段 | wild and wooly粗野的,混乱的 | wine and dine sb招待某人大吃大喝,用好吃好喝款待某人

wine and dine sb:以好酒好菜款待

4 be tilting at windmills攻击假想敌 | 5 wine and dine sb以好酒好菜款待 | 6 wing it即兴表演; 随机应变; 不按照事先准备的讲稿而现场即兴发言

wine and dine sb:款待,宴请

31.come along 出现,发生 | 32.wine and dine sb.款待,宴请 | 33.put in one's share贡献出自己的一份

We wine and dine:我們進餐飲酒

Girl, me and you were just fine (you know) 女孩,(你知道嗎)我們以前真的很好 | We wine and dine 我們進餐飲酒 | Did them things that couples do when in love (you know) 就像每對熱戀中的男女

Wine and dine all these honeys:红酒和聚会都是最爱

I'm goin' girl crazy 我让女生疯狂 | Wine and dine all these honeys 红酒和聚会都是最爱 | Hangin' out, blowin all my money 展示出来,花费我所有的金钱

You've got to wine and dine me:你还要好酒好菜的伺候着

Talk to me nice, talk to me nice 好好陪我聊天,好好陪我聊天 | You've got to wine and dine me 你还要好酒好菜的伺候着 | Don't try to fool me bejewel me 给我买珠宝的时候,可别想骗我

5.I dislike flattery. 6.You don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups:5.我讨厌诌媚. 6.你犯不着用酒肉来奉承 上司

[14:37.27]4.I hate it when some... | [14:40.72]5.I dislike flattery. 6.You don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups. ;5.我讨厌诌媚. 6.你犯不着用酒肉来奉承 上司. | [14:46.74]7.Don't patronize me. Nob...

Red Wine Cellar:红酒坊

. Coffee Corner / 咖啡廊 | . Red Wine Cellar / 红酒坊 | . Bath House / 桑拿、水浴中心

Wine cellar installations:葡萄酒窖装置物

Caf?installations 咖啡屋装置物 | Wine cellar installations 葡萄酒窖装置物 | Kitchen installations for restaurants, hotels and institutions 厨房装置物,餐馆、酒店和机构的

Wine Cooler:清爽酒

Mistelle:密甜尔 | Wine Cooler:清爽酒 | Cider:苹果酒

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Strawberry Wine
Cheap Wine & Cheaper Women
Cooking Wine
Wine Me Up
Bad Wine And Lemon Cake
So Much Wine, Merry Christmas
Days Of Wine And Roses
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
Jook Gal (Wine, Wine)
Wine Baby Wine


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,