英语人>网络解释>wine 相关的网络解释
与 wine 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aged wine:陈酒

陈酒 aged wine | [美国]国际开发总署 Agency for International Development,AID | 发育不全,发育缺失,不育 agenesia,agenesis

Wine , Garden, Car and Air show, Stamp and coin fairs:酒花车邮票航空展

Casino movie and Concert hall ballet, exhibition and museum ... | Wine , Garden, Car and Air show, Stamp and coin fairs, 酒花车邮票航空展 | Moomba parade, ANZ day parade,royal show, 节日游行表演,皇家农...

aperitif wine:开胃葡萄酒

开胃葡萄酒(Aperitif wine) 开胃酒是为了增进食欲、营造气氛而饮用的酒,在葡萄酒内加入果汁、药草而成. 在国外,傍晚时若一定要找理由喝酒,往往会喝开胃酒. 巴黎有很多男人将法国南部出产的佩诺茴香酒、里卡尔茴香调味开胃酒之类加有药草的利口酒掺水后饮用,

appetizer wine:开胃酒,饭前酒

"食欲,欲望,嗜好","appetite" | "开胃酒,饭前酒","appetizer wine" | "开胃菜,饭前酒","appetizer,appetiser"

Barley Wine:大麦啤酒

比德国皮尔森型啤酒拥有更多的酒花风味和香味. 英国烈性的大麦啤酒(barley wine)通常以琥珀色或紫铜色诱惑消费的视觉,在瓶内后熟是一大特点,...

Barley Wine:英语所指的一种酒精含量较高的 Ale 啤酒

? Aroma :这种令人愉悦的芳香主要来自蛇麻草中的精油. | ? Barley Wine :英语所指的一种酒精含量较高的 Ale 啤酒. | ? Bavaria :德国最大的州,有为数众多的啤酒厂,首府是慕尼黑.

sweeter than barley wine:还比青稞酒甜

噢,糖,Oh, candy | 还比青稞酒甜,sweeter than barley wine | 比糌粑还香,more fragrant than Tsamba

my eyes fill of fragrance highland barley wine:我的双眼盛满芬芳的青稞酒

我的血管流淌着马蹄的声音 my blood shed the sounds of horse's ... | 我的双眼盛满芬芳的青稞酒 my eyes fill of fragrance highland barley wine | 我的身上遍开迷人的格桑花 my body blooming glamorous Gesar fl...

Highland Barley Wine (comes free if you order Lamb Chop):青稞酒

■ Vegetables Cooked in Chicken Sauce 鸡汁娃娃菜18RMB | ■ Cabbage Fried with Bacon 培根兰包菜 18RMB | ■ Highland Barley Wine (comes free if you order Lamb Chop) 青稞酒

Self-pulling wine bottle opener:自我拉动葡萄酒瓶揭幕

Features: 特点: | Self-pulling wine bottle opener自我拉动葡萄酒瓶揭幕 | Combination foil cutter/wax remover组合箔刀/蜡器

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Strawberry Wine
Cheap Wine & Cheaper Women
Cooking Wine
Wine Me Up
Bad Wine And Lemon Cake
So Much Wine, Merry Christmas
Days Of Wine And Roses
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
Jook Gal (Wine, Wine)
Wine Baby Wine


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,