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与 where's 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beneath those rugged elms,that yew tree's shade:皴皱的榆树,紫杉的荫翳

Molest her ancient solitary reign. 骚扰她独居的古老地盘... | Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade, 皴皱的榆树,紫杉的荫翳, | Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap, 龟裂的草皮一丘丘隆...

Beneath those rugged elms,that yew tree's shade:粗大的榆树下,紫杉的绿荫里

Molest her ancient solitary reign. 打扰了她那古老而幽静... | Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade, 粗大的榆树下,紫杉的绿荫里, | Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap, 有许多荒冢在烂...

Beneath those rugged elms,that yew tree's shade:粗壮的榆树和紫杉的浓荫下面

Molest her ancient solitary reign. 扰乱了它的古老幽僻... | Beneath those rugged elms,that yew tree's shade, 粗壮的榆树和紫杉的浓荫下面, | Where heaves the turf in many a moldering heap, 荒芜的草皮一堆连...

That's fine. X- files are the next wing over:没关系 X档案小组就在隔壁

Fyi,my malpractice insurance doesn't cover alien autopsies.|我的医疗... | That's fine. X- files are the next wing over.|没关系 X档案小组就在隔壁 | Where was the patient when he first felt ill?|第一次感...

Whicker's War:<不列颠战争回忆录>

Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?<<奥萨姆. 本. 拉登在哪里>> | Whicker's War<<不列颠战争回忆录>> | White Birds of Winter<<冬日白鸟>>

Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel:自我焚烧添光芒

But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, 君爱己眸清且亮, | Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,自我焚烧添光芒; | Making a famine where abundance lies, 鱼米乡土造饥馑,

Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel:把自身當柴火,燒出了眼睛的光彩

But thou,contracted to thine own bright eyes, 但你跟你明亮... | Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, 把自身當柴火,燒出了眼睛的光彩, | Making a famine where abundance lies, 這就在豐收的地...

Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel:把自己当燃料喂养眼中的火焰

But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes, 但你,只和你自... | Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, 把自己当燃料喂养眼中的火焰, | Making a famine where abundance lies, 和自己作对,待...

A pinto doesn't fit in the Winner's Circle of theJunior Hunter Classic:一个杂种马并不适合成为青年骑手竞赛的胜利者

- We don't know where he fits in.... | A pinto doesn't fit in the Winner's Circle of theJunior Hunter Classic.|一个杂种马并不适合成为青年骑手竞赛的胜利者 | - I disagree. - You need to make a decision. ...

She's always wandering off:总是瞎晃悠

Huh? Where is she?|她上哪去了? | She's always wandering off.|总是瞎晃悠 | Come, come. Come!|纳塔莉亚,来,过来!

第49/100页 首页 < ... 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ... > 尾页
Where's The Playground, Susie?
Where's My Apple Pie?
Where's That Rainbow
Where's Your Head At
Where's Summer B.?
Where's The Orchestra?
Where's My Wonderland
Where's The Party
Where's My Money?
Where's Da G's


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis