英语人>网络解释>when's 相关的网络解释

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与 when's 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house:这是一个有两间卧室,有个浴室的房子

3. When did you buy a house? 你什么时候买的房子? | 4. This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. 这是一个有两间卧室,有个浴室的房子. | 5. It's a good investment. 这可是一项好的投资.

You are an unpatriotic little cunt... Okay:你这是不爱国的行为... 好吧

When you go before the grand jury, you will have to speak.|当你... | You are an unpatriotic little cunt... Okay.|你这是不爱国的行为... 好吧 | ...who's gonna walk right off the plank into the bowels of h...

the world would be unreturnable:也许这世界已经没有救没有救

如果当子弹穿过脑袋的时候才能够看透 if they understanded when the bullet dri... | 也许这世界已经没有救没有救 the world would be unreturnable | it's time to say goodbte but baby don't u cry 是时候该说再见...

What are you up to here:你在这里要干什么

11. up to... 从事于、胜任、轮到、该由、直到 | What are you up to here?你在这里要干什么? | It's up to you to decide when we shall start. 何时动身由你决定.

See, if you don't betray Chris, you victimize Dominick:若不出卖基斯多明会是受害人

That's right. You would have to.|对,你要... | See, if you don't betray Chris, you victimize Dominick.|若不出卖基斯多明会是受害人 | 'Cause he becomes an orphan when you go to prison as an accessory...|你...

You need to calm nerves and warm vocal chord. You want tea:你得冷静下来 缓和你的语气 要茶吗

when your enemy is changing every five minutes?|... | You need to calm nerves and warm vocal chord. You want tea?|你得冷静下来 缓和你的语气 要茶吗? | No,I want dan humphrey's head on a platter.|不 我要...

Walk On By:轻轻走过

14 One And Ever Love 唯一的爱 | 15 Walk On By 轻轻走过 | 16 That's When You Know 那个时候

Our walking tour:我们的徒步旅行

Our walking tour 我们的徒步旅行 | when i saw you face my baby. 当我看见你的脸,宝贝, | seems like it was all beautiful days.that's great 就像看到所有的美好,简直太棒了,

You watch every night:而你每夜注视

When it's warmth that he seeks? 何时会变温暖?他寻觅着 | You watch every night, 而你每夜注视 | you don't care what I do 对我所做的一切并不在意

we'll:嗯 我们会...... 我们会重头构思的 这样吧

You only tweak or tune if something h... | Uh, we'll, uh--we'll go back to the drawing board then, that's all.|嗯 我们会...... 我们会重头构思的 这样吧? | Why don't you call me when you have something o...

第94/100页 首页 < ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ... > 尾页
She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
When The Time's Right
When The Love Factor's High
That's When You Know It's Over
When She's Gone, She's Gone
When It's Gone (It's Just Gone)
When She's Good, She's Good
When It's Night-Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here
It's Over When It's Over
When You Call On Me / Baby That's When I Come Runnin'


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的

take the size of:量...啲大小(尺寸)

单程票 single ticket | 量...啲大小(尺寸) take the size of | 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条 slip a note into one's hand

Regional conventions:区域*公约

危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport | 区域*公约 Regional conventions | 技术转让 Technology transfer