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And tides they turn and hearts disfigure:潮起潮落, 心慢慢老去

We'll fly like birds not of this earth 我们终会像小鸟那样飞翔,无... | And tides they turn and hearts disfigure 潮起潮落, 心慢慢老去 | But that's no concern when we're wounded together 但这都比不上我们的...

That boy sound just like Doughboy Hawkins:那孩子说起话来真像卖甜面圈的霍金斯

we get a little peckish when it comes to cars, you know?|每次... | That boy sound just like Doughboy Hawkins,|那孩子说起话来真像卖甜面圈的霍金斯 | Tell you what I think. I think it's 1959,|要说说我的看...

The way you dramatize every little small detail:你太疑神疑鬼了

You even get suspicious when I paint my nails我染指甲你都怀疑 | It's definitely distracting我真得受不了了 | The way you dramatize every little small detail你太疑神疑鬼了

Elfin appearance:小精灵般的颜面表征呢

Except when they spill a black hole on their carpet.|除非有人在地毯上溅上一个黑洞 | Elfin appearance?|小精灵般的颜面表征呢? | Yeah,he's more legolas than keebler,|和奇宝小矮人比起来 他更像精灵弓箭手

kisses endlessly:无尽的吻我时

when u're touching me. 当你接近我时. | kisses endlessly. 无尽的吻我时. | it's just a place in the sun. 就在那阳光下的某地.

kisses endlessly:无尽的吻

When you're touching me 当你抚摸我的时候 | Kisses endlessly 无尽的吻 | It's just a place in the sun, 那是阳光里的天堂

kisses endlessly:和那深深的长吻

When you're touching me没当你触摸我的(身体) | Kisses endlessly和那深深的长吻 | It's just a place in the sun,那感觉如沐阳光

Embrace, enfold, cherish:抱

拍掌 拍手 Clapping of hands at the beginning and end of worship, a Shingon custom. | 抱 Embrace, enfold, cherish. | 抱佛脚 (Only when old or in trouble) to embrace the Buddha's feet.

Enunciation is the mark of a good actor:发音是好演员的注册商标

That's what real actors do.|真正的演员都会那么做 | Enunciation is the mark of a good actor.|发音是好演员的注册商标 | And when you enunciate, you spit!|发音正确时就会喷口水!

How about watching the magic show this evening:今天晚上去看魔术表演怎么样

Great! When shall we meet? 太棒了,几点钟? | How about watching the magic show this evening? 今天晚上去看魔术表演怎么样? | Why not. That's a good idea. 干嘛不去!多好的主意.

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She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
When The Time's Right
When The Love Factor's High
That's When You Know It's Over
When She's Gone, She's Gone
When It's Gone (It's Just Gone)
When She's Good, She's Good
When It's Night-Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here
It's Over When It's Over
When You Call On Me / Baby That's When I Come Runnin'


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,