英语人>网络解释>when's 相关的网络解释

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与 when's 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you're feeling infernally mortal:当你感到死到临头

It's a different song when everything's wrong, 当一切都不顺手,调子就不... | When you're feeling infernally mortal; 当你感到死到临头, | When it's ten against one, and hope there is none, 当你以一对十,毫无...

要下雨了. (It's windy/rainy.) (在刮风/下雨. ):It's going to rain

54. It will be hot. /It won't be hot. 天气会很热. / 天气不会很热... | 55. It's going to rain. 要下雨了. (It's windy/rainy.) (在刮风/下雨. ) | 56. When and where shall we meet? 我们什么时候见面?在哪儿见...

When is Labour Day:(劳动节)

3.------ When is Tree-planting Day(植树节)? ---- It's in March. | 4. ------ When is Labour Day(劳动节)? ------ It's May 1. | 5. ------ When is Children's Day(儿童节)? ------ It's June 1.

when the bill's second reading is due to resume:草案恢复二读时

一九八零年代爱滋肆虐这两城市时 when | 在那男子身上滴蜡时 when hot wax was | 草案恢复二读时 when the bill's second reading is due to resume

When is Tree-planting Day:(植树节)

2. ------- When is Women's Day(妇女节)? ----- It's March 8. | 3.------ When is Tree-planting Day(植树节)? ---- It's in March. | 4. ------ When is Labour Day(劳动节)? ------ It's May 1.

Q:What's the weather like today:今天天气怎么样?A: It's cold and windy. 冷且多风

17. Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天... | 18. Q: What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?A: It's cold and windy. 冷且多风. | 19. Q: When will the weather be warm? 天气什么时候能...

When's dinner:晚餐什么时候吃

6 What time will we have dinner? 我们什么时候才能开饭? | 1 When's dinner? 晚餐什么时候吃? | 2 Can we eat soon? 我们马上能吃了吗?

When's dinner:晚饭什么时候可以吃

3 Can't wait to eat. 我等不及吃东西了. | 4 When's dinner? 晚饭什么时候可以吃? | 5 My stomach is growling. 我的肚子在咕咕叫.

When's Christmas:圣诞节在什么时候

The teachers and the students are getting very excited. 老师们和学生们都非常兴奋. | When's Christmas?圣诞节在什么时候? | Christmas is on the twenty-fifth of December. 圣诞节在十二月二十五日.

when one's clock strikes:临终

when it comes to 当提到 | when one's clock strikes 临终 | when one's ship comes home 当愿望实现时

第2/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
When The Time's Right
When The Love Factor's High
That's When You Know It's Over
When She's Gone, She's Gone
When It's Gone (It's Just Gone)
When She's Good, She's Good
When It's Night-Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here
It's Over When It's Over
When You Call On Me / Baby That's When I Come Runnin'

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)