英语人>网络解释>what can I do for you 相关的网络解释
what can I do for you相关的网络解释

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与 what can I do for you 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A:Good evening,sir. Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. What can I do for you:晚上好,先生. 欢迎到友谊宾馆来,要住宿吗

B:I'd like to send this parcel to Beiji... | A:Good evening,sir. Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. What can I do for you?晚上好,先生. 欢迎到友谊宾馆来,要住宿吗? | B:Thanks. Have you got a single room to...

A:Good evening,sir. Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. What can I do for you:晚上好,先生. 到友谊宾馆来,要住宿吗

B:I'd like to send this parcel to Beijin... | A:Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. What can I do for you? 晚上好,先生. 到友谊宾馆来,要住宿吗? | B:Thanks. Have you got a single room ton...

What can I do for you:您需要什么帮助

23 Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗? | 24 What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助? | 25 May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?

What can I do for you:要我帮忙吗

313.What are your plans for the weekend? 你周末计划做什么? | 314.What can I do for you? 要我帮忙吗? | 315.What do you do for relaxation? 你做什么消遣?

What can I do for you:我能为你作什么

18、Can I help you?我能帮你吗? | 19、What can I do for you ?我能为你作什么? | 20、 May I take your ba for you?我可以为你拿你的手提包吗?

What can I do for you, sir:服务员:有什么为您效劳的吗,先生

Thank you.汤姆:谢谢. | What can I do for you, sir?服务员:有什么为您效劳的吗,先生? | I'm Tom in Room 528, and I want a wake-up call tomorrow morning.汤姆:我是528房间的汤姆,请明早叫醒我.

A:What can I do for you:你想要什么

A: what can I do for you ? 你想要什么? | B :: I am looking for a pair of black shoes .我想买一双黑色的鞋子 | A: What size do you want ? 你想要多大的?

A:What can I do for you:你要什么

31.购物Shopping | a.What can I do for you?你要什么? | May/Can I help you?你要什么?

Now, what can I do for you:我能为你做什么吗

I decided it was time to call in the big guns.|我决定寻求重量级... | Now, what can I do for you?|我能为你做什么吗? | I once read that you took something like $3 million and leveraged it...|我曾经看过你...

Well, what can I do for you:有什么能帮忙的吗

- May I help you? - Yeah. I'm a friend of Rachel Green's.|-有什么事吗? -我... | Well, what can I do for you?|有什么能帮忙的吗? | Well, I'm here to see if you'll give Rachel her job back.|想了解一下,能不...

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What Can I Do For You ?
What I Can Do For You
What Can I Do For You?
What Can I Do For You

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务