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与 west-facing 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blackwater Falls Blackwater Falls State Park West Virginia:西弗吉尼亚:黑水瀑布公园景致图片

Big Beach Maui Hawaii 夏威夷:毛伊岛... | Blackwater Falls Blackwater Falls State Park West Virginia 西弗吉尼亚:黑水瀑布公园景致图片 | Bromeliads Bocaina National Park Atlantic Rainforest Brazil 巴西:波凯...

Captain West, this is Lieutenant Commander Galloway:威斯特上校,这就是盖洛维少校

Jo, come on in. Thank you, sir.|乔,快进来 谢谢... | Captain West, this is Lieutenant Commander Galloway.|威斯特上校,这就是盖洛维少校 | Jo, you know Commander Lawrence. Yes, sir.|乔,你认识劳伦斯少校吧? ...

Cedrela odorata L.; West indian cedar; cigar-box cedar; Spainish cedar:南美香椿

南美仙人球 Copiapoa | 南美香椿 Cedrela odorata L.; West indian cedar; cigar-box cedar; Spainish cedar | 南牡蒿 Artemisia eriopoda Bge.

Commissioner-General for the Native Nations of South West Africa:西南非洲土著民族事务主任专员

Commissioner-General;主任专员;; | Commissioner-General for the Native Nations of South West Africa;西南非洲土著民族事务主任专员;; | Commissioner-General of UNRWA;近东救济工程处主任专员;;

West Coast Market Coordinator of the Floor Wax Division:地板蜡部门的西海岸市场协调员

Track it.|跟踪 | West Coast Market Coordinator of the Floor Wax Division.|地板蜡部门的西海岸市场协调员 | Came back from lunch on Friday, handed in his resignation.|周五午餐后回来,递交了辞职信

The moonlight fulfills the West Tower:月满西楼

03、爱你真好难 Hard to love you | 04、月满西楼 The moonlight fulfills the West Tower | 05、久别的人 Person With Long Parting


galley 狭长船 | galley-west 彻底地 | galleyworm 多足昆虫


galley slave 囚犯 | galley west 彻底的 | galley 狭长船


galleting /碎石片嵌缝/填塞石缝/ | galley-west /混乱/彻底地/ | gallfly /五倍子虫/

West Weald Heather Grass:西原石南草

10. 银白杨 Grey Poplar Tree | 11. 赤色多孔菌 Cinnabar Polypore Mushroom | 12. 西原石南草 West Weald Heather Grass

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Bloor Street West
I'll Stay To The West
Into The West
Go West
Kanye West
53 Miles West Of Venus
The Lily Of The West
Livin' In The West
Flame Of The West
Way Out West (On West End Avenue)


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis